Ritesh Sanjay Ahire

The national Champion Maharashtra
The national Champion Maharashtra

Writer : Ritesh Sanjay Ahire  Nutan College of Engineering student ISRO National Quiz Competition winner 3rd prize  IIT Hyderabad  offline Age : 21years  Book s Name  ( 1 ) Harry Potter & stone man fight ( 2 ) RESPOND BASKET 2024  ( 3 ) Titanic 2  ( 4 ) The growth of earth life  ( 5 ) the great king atlas ( Language: Japanese)  ( 6 ) Europa Mysterious Lander 24-30  ( 7 ) KENYA LAW  ( 8 ) Barong God of Bali ( 9 ) Treasure Lake  ect...  150 Book s All world Languages available  Order now : https://store.pothi.com/search/?q=Ritesh sanjay Ahire  Thank you  Your support me Read More...


Miss world

Books by Ritesh Sanjay Ahire

Miss world 

Miss World is the oldest existing international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951. Since his death in 2000, Morley's widow, Julia Morley, has co-chaired the pageant The current Miss World is Karolina Bielawska of Poland, who was crowned by Toni-Ann Singh of Jamaica on 16 March 2022, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The fiction Book order now Enjoy. 

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Yavan Raj

Books by Ritesh Sanjay Ahire

Yavan Raj 

Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia and Egypt. 

Born: July 356 BC, Pella
Died: June 323 BC, Babylon

Short Book 

Yavan Raj 2 coming soon 

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एरिया 51

Books by रितेश संजय आहिरे

एरिया 51 

दुनिया का अंत निकट  

एरिया 51 नेवादा परीक्षण और प्रशिक्षण रेंज के भीतर एक उच्च वर्गीकृत संयुक्त राज्य वायु सेना (यूएसएएफ) सुविधा का सामान्य नाम है । एडवर्ड्स एय

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