prince delight

copywriter, public speaker, designer
copywriter, public speaker, designer


uncle Felix

Books by Prince Delight

Uncle Felix is a true life story of a young girl who got molested by his father's brother at the prime of her life. hmm, what effect does this have on her life and career?
relax, grab a copy, and read to know what evolves.

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Books by Prince Delight

its the will and passion of al most everyone to JAPA (leave the country for a grener pasture) but not al JAPPA is valid as some is a desth sentence journey in disguise.

here a lady shares her experience and seek public counsel on how to tackle fate that befel her.

hmmmmm do well to grab a copy today to know what enact in the story.

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Books by Prince Delight

costly jokes does more harms than good. Our gentle man of the house after eating drinking and is satisfied, he decided to burst the bubbles but unfortunately, the bubble bursted him beyond control !

sit back and relax as you enjoy this book.

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Books by Prince Delight

A once happy family was destroyed by an internal enemy, leaving only a member alive to strive as the only surviving demon of the ancient clan.

Luciano Gamóra, a wealthy man. An Italian gazillionaire; owner of companies, schools, hotels etc in all continents of the world. Handsome with good body build. He's who and what every woman wants and craves for. If only they knew his real identity

He had riches, properties but, he wanted a no

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Books by Prince Delight

Romeo Spencer was considered the most handsome bachelor in Mexico City.

Apart from the fact that he's a writer, he's also an actor, the most wanted and the most popular actor in EN-JOY movie industry.

He's the CEO of Jewell books, he majors in writing romance novels and his books are what people always queue to buy in stores.

He's the best selling author.

His dad, Thiago Spencer has tried many times to bring him and hi

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Books by Prince Delight

A church girl is one who is religiously devoted to the things of her religion.

She adhers to the biblical principle,goes to church every now and then,practices holiness based on her faith.

Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in which two individuals engage in activity together, most often with the intention of evaluating each other's suitability as a partner in a future intimate relationship. It falls into the category of courtship, c

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Books by Prince Delight

He hurts her so many times -- when his secret angel was right there with him he never noticed.

He betrayed her love by siding the wrong girl.

Sweet Karen his beloved secret angel that waited for six years!

Let's go straight to business....

Derek returned back to school after six years of wait.

Karen was so happy when she heard the news but surprisingly her prince charming doesn't recognize her.

She felt h

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Books by Prince Delight

Karen Baker popularly known in school as Kar, 17-year-old whose dream have always been about living happily with her long time crush and her best friend Derek White.

She and Derek has been friends since they were 7, and she has liked him since then. When they were 11, Derek left town to achieve his dream which is becoming an actor.

It was hard for Karen, but she has no choice than to let him go, five years past they kept contact, sending le

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My Teacher focues on the differeent types of teachers and how to relatre with learners. The books focuses on various experiences students suffer in the hands of so called lecturers in and around our institutions, itt also provides a solution to this acts.

indeed MY TEACHER is a must for all.

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the next attempt

Books by Prince Delight

The Next Attempt is the story of young individual who understood the concept of TRUE LOVE and acts it.

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Books by Prince Delight

My mate features  the story of a young billionaire buh single and tried all possible means to find a perfect mate for himself. the search continues till...

Watch out in the book. sit down and relax and enjoy.

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Books by Prince Delight

VENGEANCE- features the  story of a village in which the villagers started dying mysteriously. this happens as a result of the offence committed by one of the predecessors of the village.

what was the offence commited?

were they later liberated?

grab a copy and read

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teach me to love

Books by Prince Delight

Teach Me To Love centrs on the love among youths which initially proves abortive but later turns out and brings out the best of the duo

In the same vein, Axel, a strict womanizzer taged "Pussy-King" fel into the hands of "virgin Mary".

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