
Thought Leader and Strategist
Thought Leader and Strategist


Artificial Intelligence

Books by Dr Mrityunjay Kumar

This is one of the most basic books on Artificial Intelligence . The things have been presented in such a simple manner that anybody including housewives can understand what Artificial Intelligence is all about. 

The pictographic presentation and the practical applications of Artificial Intelligence makes it one of the most interesting and engaging  to 

The Book provides.a critical analysis of the the commentary made by

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De-Dollarisation: An attempt to end Financial Colonialism

Books by Dr Mrityunjay Kumar

This Book provides an eye-opening account of  working of  US Dollar for maintaining its reserve dominant status vis-a-vis other currencies. In an attempt to understand this- one gets the complete feel about how International Diplomacy functions and how financial colonialism is tried to be established.

This is a must read as the complex things have been presented in a very lucid manner. 

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GITA- A Handbook for Millennials

Books by Dr Mrityunjay Kumar

The Bhagavad-Gita is a book of self-discovery and inward journey into the Abode of God. It is one of the most ancient religious scriptures of the world. It contains the direct message of God.

The Bhagavad-Gita has profoundly influenced the Indian way of life for millenniums. Its teachings have been at the core of the Hindu fundamental beliefs from time immemorial. They are ageless and relevant even today..

The Gita is like seco

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Gita Rahasya Decoded by an Accidental Engineer

Books by Dr Mrityunjay Kumar

This bok is a rare compilation of the commentaries of the Top Lumanaries and the greatest minds on the subject like Adi Shankaracharya; Ramanujacharya, Osho, Swami Vivekananda; Bal Gangadgar Tilak etc.  

A must read for a deep understanding of the Epic. Its a Pocket handbook for people to seek answer of all their doubts of life

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