Rajeev Vashista

Ferocious Reader, Technocrat and Firm believer of the Universe is that who I am.
Ferocious Reader, Technocrat and Firm believer of the Universe is that who I am.


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अंत : एक नई शुरुआत

Books by जेम्स कल्ट

शिपोटिक्स फर्म के एमडी, राज, एक अधिग्रहण से गुजर रहे हैं जो व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक जीवन पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव डाल रहा है।

सीमा, राज के निदेशकों में से एक है। वह दुनिया के लिए खू

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अंत : एक नई शुरुआत

Books by जेम्स कल्ट

शिपोटिक्स फर्म के एमडी, राज, एक अधिग्रहण से गुजर रहे हैं जो व्यक्तिगत और व्यावसायिक जीवन पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव डाल रहा है।

सीमा, राज के निदेशकों में से एक है। वह दुनिया के लिए खू

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Books by James Kult

Ketz is the richest family in Maui, Hawaii. It is the story of second-generation Ketz—Dr. Mosses Ketz and his wife, Dr. Julie Ketz. They are both married and work as doctors at Maui Hospital in Honolulu. They are childless and struggle with their relationship. Amidst this inside and outside struggle, Mosses meets a patient named Jon Waterson, who is on the verge of dying. After meeting Jon, Mosses feels from day one that Jon might not survive even for th

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Paradox called Life

Books by James Kult

Paradoxes, which give life its purpose, abound in this work. Put another way, contradictions and paradoxes are a part of existence. For most questions in life, there is rarely a simple answer. There is no such thing as the incorrect question, just as there is no such thing as the incorrect answer. Every question is perfect, and every answer is true, even if it doesn't apply to you. Thus, avoid attempting to refute any response; instead, try again with a differ

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Endgame The New Beginning

Books by James Kult

What transpires when issues and despair surround you? Is there a means of escape? This is the story of three distinct individuals connected by the firm Shipotics, whose MD, Raj, is undergoing an acquisition that negatively impacts his personal and professional life. 
Seema, one of his directors and a co-founder of UniMach, is battling her own inner demons, such as the need to dominate others and her circumstances. She is battling loneliness as well. S

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