Ganesh k

Business consultant | Brand Building | Published Author | Innovation Strategy | Talks & Writes on technology, How to become an Author | Market Research analyst | Speaker on Persuasive technology @classroom|
Business consultant | Brand Building | Published Author | Innovation Strategy | Talks & Writes on technology, How to become an Author | Market Research analyst | Speaker on Persuasive technology @classroom|

Blending business with creativity. Katta Ganesh has built software firm specializing in Social Media Marketing, Web Development, and more. Received tech awards from GitHub, With the U.S. Consulate, and the Bharat Guild for active contributions.  Earned the title of a published author by publishing books like Anotholgy and "Hate it, Love it..", with rating of 4.5 in Amazon India and Katta Ganesh also is dynamic speaker, and As an Engineer, Writer and Orator. It did put him in postion, where he started contributing by writings, works for life, philosophy & technology. Read More...


Perl, Tech in 25 Days

Books by Katta Ganesh

Perl<25 Days, takes you on a structured journey through the world of Perl, World of Software and gives you an understanding of cloud, Devops and much more irrespective of background in the most subtle language. Learn the fundamentals, conquer control structures, harness the power of regular expressions, and dive into advanced concepts. With hands-on exercises and a final project, you'll gain the skills and confidence to master Perl and understanding software/T

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