Harsh Kumar

Student and author
Student and author


A Plea To The Parents


Hello readers!

We dreamt India as a developed nation in 2020 . But failed to achieve that due to many reasons. I think that parents , teachers and students are three most crucial part of a developing nation. We talk about that students should be like this, students should be like that. We are very conservative towards our students. Our perception for teachers is also somewhat same. We think teachers should be strict, disciplined and very conservative.

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The Killed Innocence

Books by Harsh Kumar

The book highlights the need to take topics like child abuse into consideration with a fictional story.......

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अष्टावक्र गीता

Books by डॉ. राजेंद्र ठाकुर निगम

यह पुस्तक अष्टावक्र गीता का अनुवाद है जो ऋषि अष्टावक्र और मिथिला के राजा जनक के बीच संवाद के रूप में एक शास्त्रीय हिंदू पाठ है।

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Books by Harsh Kumar

The hindi meaning of the word REBIRTH is - पुनर्जन्म that is taking birth once more. Mostly we think when a soul leaves a body and enters the new one the soul gets rebirth but the book will explain you how the soul takes rebirth being in the same body. The book also contains stories of many people who have taken rebirth and changed their life

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