Prem Kumar.J


ILLUSION and the prism world

Books by Prem Kumar.J

a myterious prism which creats a illusion to mathew , the illusion made him to travel all over world even multiverse . The UTM(United Timeline of Multiverse) which was created to protect the balance of multiverse how it was affected by prism

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கருப்பு கிரகம்

Books by பிரேம் குமார்.ஜே

2100 ஆம் ஆண்டில், மனிதர்கள் வாழக்கூடிய புறக்கோள் பற்றிய ஆராய்ச்சியில் ஆழ்ந்திருந்த ரஷ்யா, ரெக்டோக் என்ற எக்ஸோ கிரகத்தை நிறுவியது, ரோஸ்கோஸ்மோஸ் விண்வெளி நிலையம் அதன் மண்ணின்

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Books by Prem Kumar.J

Captain gellen and his team got trapped in a planet which was tidally locked to its star , the side they landed was the dark side of the that planet , now what they did to move , whey they was moving in space , this story explains you

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