Adithya prasad

Writing alternate conclusions
Writing alternate conclusions

Adithya Prasad or as he calls himself, the contradictory incarnate is a writer, who like many others, dreams big but often sees his dreams remain convoluted, morphed, spelling his mind to stretch beyond realities explored before.  Hailing from Bangalore with a love for words, a knack for the spotlight and a budding lawyer comes a simpleton with realities to breakRead More...


Whispers Of Our Past

Books by Adithya Prasad

Whispers Of Our Past, the past that is etched into our characters never lets us go even though they don't really matter anymore. Whispers Of Our Past is a collection of short stories that will show you mankind's inner core with its variations. this book contains short stories form romance all the way to horror all on the basis of fiction will show you a man's true barbaric nature but is this barbaric nature just a whisper of the past?

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Kharon greets me

By Adithya prasad in Mystery | Reads: 1,237 | Likes: 123

"I regret driving in the middle of the night, I should have just listened to my mom instead", she thought to herself. She was not able to think straight. Her car had stopped, no people around, no cars moving, it was a lonely road. Her phone was almost about to die. She had to make a quick decision   Read More...

Published on Jul 30,2020 12:53 PM

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