Amit Verma


The author is an Indian doctor who has a keen interest in reading literature and nonfiction. He reads almost daily and collects great ideas from great authors who left great books. He wants to share these timeless ideas in enjoyable and practical books. He writes for young people who have just stepped out of college and are ready to face the real world.Read More...


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Easy Book of Thoughts

Books by Amit Verma

Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Ekhart Toole, Michael Sanger, James Allen, W. Dyer, JD Krishnamurti..

What is common among these greats?

They all believed that our thoughts shape our reality and we can change our life by choosing

our thoughts.

This book is for every young person to show an empowering way to think and see reality, so that they have tools to succeed in their life and work.

A perfect gift for every young human with a s

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