Angel Srivastava

Angel Srivastava is a poet and writer who found comfort in prose and grew up reading and breathing literature, which sparked her dream to become an author. After over a decade of writing for herself, and working as a professional content writer for magazines, websites and media houses, Angel has a uniquely composed voice, which cuts through the pages to reach your heart. Angel is based in New Delhi and spent her growing years in Lucknow. The two literary and culturally gifted cities show their influence in her work. Though the hot summer in both cities is a good reason for her to stir a glass Read More...


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Severely Brief Peace

Books by Angel Srivastava

“I write because I find poetry in your eyes,

And I am a poet because they deserve to be Shelly’s muse

But they chose to love me to bits,

Saving me from the madness that drove Hemingway to put a bullet through his head.”

Severely Brief Peace is not a collection of your everyday love poems where boy meets girl, and they live happily ever after. Each poem in this book has been deriv

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