Anika Saha

Anika, a sensitive teenager raised in the Indian value system wanting to explore the world in her own impish ways. Somewhat scared, a little adventurous, a book worm to the core. She has a great sense of humor and can turn any tense situation into a happy one. In the most impressionable years of her life she expresses her emotions by writing poems. The poems reflect the emotions of a benevolent young girl. She has an empathic heart and loves to treat others’ problems as her own. Her deep understanding of fellow human being’s frustrations, fears, despair has resulted in this collection of tRead More...


The Symphony of Tears and Hope

Books by Anika Saha

A new dawn,
The journey of teenage,
The changing of body,
Of Mind & Moods.
Where friends are not so close,
Where parents are near yet far,
The expectations,
And the pressure to perform.
The despair, the independence,
The dependence and ignorance,
The fitting in or may be not,
The anger, the jest, the fights,
The crush, the love, the heartbreaks.
My journey, thru the thoughts,
Some pleasant, some crescent,
In the poe

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