Anil Pathak

Anil Pathak is a Research scholar in School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at IIT Bhubaneswar. He is trying to search for solutions pertaining to the challenges of the outside world, but at the same time his heart is filled with the love for poetry. He is not only trying to work out ways for harnessing green and clean energy of environment through his dedicated research, butalso pursuing to have a cleaner heart through introspective poetry. This book is his first attempt to swim in the ocean of poems—he is trying to swim not in order to survive in the ocean but to eRead More...


Prem Ka Suryodya

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Sunrise is calm, pleasant and magnificent, an event during which nature manifests a fresh, pure and healing atmosphere. Similarly, there is sunrise in love—Prem ka Sooryoday—a period when long-lasting peace and harmony are prevalent in heart. This happens due to realisation of the holiness and tenderness of love which even transforms the usual chaotic mind into a tranquil one. Just like sunrise is a fundamental truth and it is the power of sun tha

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