Arief Abdullah Tan

Heart coach, blur photographer, least selling author
Heart coach, blur photographer, least selling author

Arief, also known as Chris, is a man whose life is a cocktail of deep musings that no one else seems to appreciate and athletic feats that have left him with two creaky knees and lungs that sound like a rusty accordion. He made his literary debut with Coming Through My Eyes, published by MPH Distributors in 2010, offering a comical Malaysian take on everything from societal quirks to national progress. He has spent the last three decades in editorial, journalism, and corporate communications… that’s a whole lot of nasi lemak wrappers! With over 30 years of sporting exploits, ranging from Read More...

Coming Two My Eyes

Books by Arief Abdullah Tan

An angry mother, a tech geek, and a jaded football coach walk into a village. It’s the start of a story that’s anything but ordinary.

She’s seen it all and then some, and she’s ready to throw in the towel. He’s a guy who’d probably marry his smartphone if it were legal. And the other guy? Let’s just say life has handed him one too many lemons, and he's fresh out of sugar for lemonade.

As our trio navigates the village’s oddities,

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