Aswin Shankharan

Aswin Shankharan is an award winning Author who has published two books by the age of 21. He is an Industrial engineering graduate from VIT Vellore and holds a Masters in International Business from University of Nottingham. He is currently working in Technology Consulting with Accenture UK and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. His first two books "Between Reality & Expectations" & "Filmy Kathaas" won various awards for him in Indian national level. He is also a screenwriter, radio jockey, aspiring film-maker and vocalist.  Read More...



Books by Aswin Shankharan

Poetromantics is a collection of over 100 poetries celebrating love, romance, women, relationships and life. 
Poetromantics is all about capturing and romanticizing small beautiful moments, stories, conflicts and conversations that everyone of us go through in life. Walking through the walks of life, sometimes we forget to celebrate the beautiful moments with our loved ones, the laughter, the smile, the memories and stories that are etched for life even if

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