Dr Mona Shah

Dr. Mona Shah is a senior occupational therapist and clinical psychologist with over 30 years of clinical experience, based in Mumbai, India. She works with many parallel disciplines to augment her practice to be current, holistic and effective. This has made her uniquely distinguished in both diagnosing children’s development inhibitors and the solutions to overcome them. She defines one of her core passions to be training therapists, teachers, and social organizations on childhood development with the goal to identify, treat, and transform their disabilities into abilities for a happier anRead More...



Books by મોના શાહ

જ્યારે જિંદગી એની જન્મજાત લાક્ષણિકતાઓ સાથે લયપૂર્વક વહેતી હોય છે ત્યારે અવનવો તકનિકી બદલાવ માનવસંબંધોને પ્રભાવિત કરીને માતા-પિતા તરીકેની ભૂમિકાને અસરગ્રસ્ત કરે છે. જ્યારે  

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Books by Mona Shah

This book is a compilation of my learning’s that follow the journey of a child from the womb to adulthood. The book explores themes important to the development of children; factors from maternal health, parenting techniques, special needs, responses to crisis and other insights from the lens of an occupational therapist and clinical psychologist. 

My learning’s come directly from my practice, distilled into reflections during the COVID lockdown an

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