Faraz Anwar Khan

Faraz Anwar Khan is MSc in nuclear physics from Calcutta University. He comes from a family background of great journalists, writers and freedom fighters. He believes that only Science, Mathematics and Philosophy will now save the world. This is his first book. Read More...


The Game Trinity

Books by Faraz Anwar Khan

What is the nature of the Universe? Is it moral or is it immoral? Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that the Universe is only a vast playground, which is neither moral or immoral. Many millennia ago He also instructed Arjuna about Natural Selecton and it's unity with the Game Trinity. He also said that only those organisms survive and prosper that are great in the art of Gaming. This book takes a deep look into the qualities of such organisms and the Organisation th

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The Game Trinity

Books by Faraz Anwar Khan

What is the nature of the Universe? Is it moral or is it immoral? Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that the Universe is only a vast playground, which is neither moral or immoral. Many millennia ago He also instructed Arjuna about Natural Selecton and it's unity with the Game Trinity. He also said that only those organisms survive and prosper that are great in the art of Gaming. This book takes a deep look into the qualities of such organisms and the Organisation th

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