
A Geetha is a BE graduate from Anna University. She earned an MBA degree and specialized in HR from TNOU. She works as an engineer, and is a writer, trainer and painter by passion. She loves music, literature and is a voracious reader. She is an amateur trainer in soft skills and a regular faculty in the learning and development centre at NLC. She is also an ex-member of the junior chamber, Neyveli chapter and qualified as a national trainer.Read More...


The Hand Book of Pretty Woman

Books by A.Geetha

“The Trigger that got me started on this work ( of writing) are the following lines which caught my eyes as I was flipping through the pages of my old diary of 1999 Written down in my fairly good hand writing were the following : DATE : 30.01.1999, SATURDAY.To be written on my epitaph : “One of the best writers of India has ever produced. A simple lady with high Principles.” After reading this I sat staring into nowhere, my mind absolutely blank. It wa

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