George Paul

George Paul is a well-known Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. He has the rare distinction of also being a lawyer and a qualified ethicist. Paul is the recipient of several awards including Rotary Foundation’s citation for promoting World Peace and Understanding. These were bestowed on him for humanitarian missions in Philippines, Jamaica, Guatemala, Kenya and HongKong, often working under the aegis of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), International 260 About the Author Organization for Migration (IOM) and other International missions.He served as Medical Director of SharRead More...


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Riding the Pale Horse

Books by George Paul

The author brings clarity to the veiled truths about death and dying, and the corollary -- life and living, especially with the certainty that it is only time that separates the living from the dead. Dr. Paul has done a wonderful service by making explicit much that was previously implicit, deliberately hidden or considered inappropriate. Congratulations!

Dr. Sunil Chacko, Public Health Doctor, Former Assistant Director, Harvard University Internatio

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