Dr H. Raman, Professor of Economics, has expertise in Industrial Economics and Monetary Economics. After completing his MA in Economics at PSG Arts and Science College, he obtained an M.Phil. degree in Economics with a specialization in Monetary and Mathematical Economics. Subsequently, he joined The Central Leather Research Institute as an economic investigator and conducted extensive research all over India. Subsequently, he joined the Department of Economics, University of Madras, and completed his PhD degree in the area of Industrial Economics. He has served professionally for 27 years in Read More...


MBA a Great Option for Success

Books by DR Hala Raman

MBA has been the most sought after course in every country owing to the reason that the course is very diverse and the MBA graduates are able to find placements in various types of corporate and service sector enterprises in the domestic country as well as in all other foreign countries.

As regards admission, there are number of agencies conducting MBA Entrance Examinations for B schools in the domestic country as well as in foreign countries. This book

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