joydeep debbarma

Development worker and activist
Development worker and activist

He a is a hardworking fiction writer, a keen learner and a development practitioner. He is currently pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Development Studies at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad. He is also working on a children’s book, The Adventure of Golu and Friends. Joydeep was born and brought up in the northeastern part of India and is greatly influenced by the region’s culture.Read More...


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Diamonds Are Not Forever

Books by Joydeep Debbarma

Seemingly disconnected stories come together in this magnificently woven piece of fiction set in the tenuous backdrop of a forgotten land in the extreme northeastern region of India. The heartrending tales of young love and passion, political vendetta, personal revenge, marginalization and superstition bring to light the hardships of life in this charming but strife-ridden region. Amid the pall of gloom, the flame of passion and hope burns bright.

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Mr. Gudukrai

By joydeep debbarma in True Story | Reads: 727 | Likes: 1

Mr. Gudukrai "Here comes a gentleman of Gandwrai kami,"  A voice announcing, now and then with a hand-mic to all directions, "Welcome folks, Welcome! to the Tulashikok Bazaar's show of its kind." The folks were excited to see the man with all admiration.  "Kulumkha-!" He said and took-of  Read More...

Published on Apr 9,2020 08:38 AM

A bicycle in a Kami

By joydeep debbarma in True Story | Reads: 626 | Likes: 1

A bicycle in a KamiBy Joyd In those days in Khowai District of Tripura, in one of the remote villages, in Twisa-watolok kami,  folks were innocent, primitive, and humorous. There were humble relationships among the villagers.  Once Gulmohar chacha rented a bi-cycle from Maa  Read More...

Published on Apr 9,2020 08:25 AM

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