Karna Vidya Foundation

 Karna Vidya Foundation (KVF) is a not-for-profit registered trust working With Motto ‘‘Empowering Per sons with Visual Impairments through Technology. Karna Vidya was started in 1999 as a project by Rotary Club of Madras Coromandel. Karna Vidya - simply means “Learning through Hearing”. For people with Visual Impairments, access to gathering knowledge is through their Karna (Ears) assisted by Technology.Read More...


State of Visually Impaired in 75 Years of Independent India

Books by Karna Vidya Foundation

At the outset, I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation to  Karna Vidya Foundation for having compiled such a rich collection of articles pertaining to visual impairment and visually impaired people in the Indian context. This book is a welcome addition to the existing literature on disability, primarily for documenting the lived experience of visually challenged individuals in different dimensions and with an immense range of sociocultural perspecti

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State of Visually Impaired in 75 Years of Independent India

Books by Karna Vidya Foundation

At the outset, I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation to  Karna Vidya Foundation for having compiled such a rich collection of articles pertaining to visual impairment and visually impaired people in the Indian context. This book is a welcome addition to the existing literature on disability, primarily for documenting the lived experience of visually challenged individuals in different dimensions and with an immense range of sociocultural perspecti

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