
Matt Henri is a creative thinker who agreed to share his knowledge, experience, and years of research about our global existential risks. By day, he is an independent researcher focused on understanding why we are currently stuck in the Age of Consequences. In his free time, he spends time wandering through the rainforests behind his house. Matt argues that meaningful and lasting positive change can be achieved when one first finds and is educated on the nexus of root causes. He is convinced that to emerge from our global predicament requires us all to restore and build a solid foundation thatRead More...


What Is The Matter With Us

Books by Matt Henri

WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH US is Matt Henri’s diagnosis of Living with self-induced existential risks. The book is a journey based on Matt’s lifelong experiences and global travels to find an answer to the following question: If no one wants pollution, mental and physical illnesses caused by humanity, then why is this happening? Matt provides key insights that answer this question and exposes the nexus of our predicament. We live in a period of increasing exi

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