Dr. Mita Shah

Mita Shah completed B.A. Home Science in 1979. In 2004, after a gap of 25 years, she joined the department of Sanskrit and Praktrit Languages at the University of Pune to pursue his further studies. She holds an M.A (Vedanta), M.Phil. (Philosophy and Metaphysics of Death) and Ph.D.(The Rituals for the Forefathers in Modern Perspective) degrees from S.P.Pune University. She received her Ph.D. Degree in 2015. Her willingness to continue to pursue her studies shows her interest, determination, dedication, devotion and sincerity towards the subject. She is a trained and Certified Past Life RegreRead More...


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Science of Last Rites

Books by Dr. Mita Shah

This book, Science of Last Rites – An insightful journey into the World of Spirit is a unique book in itself. It deals with the science of last rites performed for the departed loved one. The traditions, customs and methods of these rites may differ from religion to religion and culture to culture according to time, place and circumstances. However, the belief remains the same. The soul, after leaving the physical body, has to move forward which is

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