Mridula Seth

Mridula Seth is a development communication professional who has teaching experience of 25 years at Lady Irwin College (Delhi University) and as a technical adviser (Adolescents & Youth) for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) India for nine years. For over a decade, she has been actively volunteering, most recently as the director of a life skills project in a Juvenile Drug De-addiction and Rehab Centre for boys in conflict with the law. She has also worked for over three years as the secretary of the Richmond Fellowship Society (India), Delhi branch, focusing on persons suffering witRead More...


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Minding the Mind

Books by Mridula Seth

Minding the Mind by Mridula Seth is a first-hand experience guide that delves into the excitement and challenges of volunteering in mental health advocacy. It describes the silent sufferings of persons with mental illness (PMIs) and how they cope with self-stigma and negative social attitudes. It delineates problems faced by caregivers and their search for the rehabilitation facilities as a solution. There is need for such facilities, early diagnosis, a

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Happy Anniversary

By Mridula Seth in Poetry | Reads: 238 | Likes: 1

Fifteen years ago we met there was no time to fall in love, You held my hand and helped me grow to know myself and find out more. Now, when I think back these 15 years seem best of life, Every year, I 've loved you more and found that it grows even more... The days when you are not near your thoug  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 08:44 PM

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