Naveen Lakkur

Naveen Lakkur is a serial entrepreneur turned Innovation Coach. Naveen loves to inspire enterprises & entrepreneurs to innovate and guide them to grow in the right direction. In his professional career spanning 25+ years in the industry worldwide, he has co-founded several innovative companies. He has also been a catalyst for 250+ ideas to have become commercial realities. He is passionate about sharing his practical knowledge of building companies and nurturing ideas. Naveen Lakkur is the Founder & Chief Innovation Coach at the Institute of Inspiring Innovation. Besides his active engagemenRead More...


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Inseparable Twins

Books by Naveen Lakkur

Innovation resides in everyone. Innovative potential in a person cannot be fully realised if it is not properly nurtured. It takes determined efforts to do so. If that spirit is not cultivated in a timely and disciplined manner, then a person may lose faith in his/her ability or even struggle needlessly. Naveen Lakkur created this book with his unique set of a dozen paired codes primarily to rekindle that innate energy in every one of us; to enable all members

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Books by Naveen Lakkur, Dr. Liz Alexander

Smart people don’t have the problem of not having ideas, in fact, they have the problem of too many ideas.

Not every idea can or should become a commercial reality. FOUND is an indispensable guide offering a proven, five-part framework to help aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs or innovators discover which of their ideas has the best chance of sustainable success.

FOUND is a book for Ideation!

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