Nitya Swaruba

Nitya Swaruba is a lover of words. She began writing poetry from late 2014. This collection of more than three hundred poems is her first book. Hardly influenced or inspired, she discovered this passion over time. Her ability to observe and sense emotions feeds her ideas. Her inspirations come from her self,people around her, and nature. She also draws from others’ experiences. Nitya says, “I don’t have to personally go through stuff to write about it!”  Nitya is a copy editor from Pondicherry, India. She loves watching TV and movies. Her favorite thing to do is toRead More...


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One Flew Over The Heart

Books by Nitya Swaruba

“Beauty in My Eyes” paints the dramatic irony of wanting to live in a world that destroys.

In “Our Stairway,” you will fall into a dream that feels like eternity, but is it?

“Boomeranged” brings back memories of a time and place irreplaceable.

And what does “Saw You,” the six-word poem, have to say?

Incredibly heartwarming poetry, thoughtful lines about the world, words on love worth engraving are what you will find betw

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The Good Things—Rediscovering Yourself

By Nitya Swaruba in General Literary | Reads: 683 | Likes: 0

The experience of absolute freedom and the true sense of self comes only in the state of singularity. People of the world have always been good followers. They follow their peers, their boss, their clients. Constantly adapting to the ways of others. Oftentimes, a self-proclaimed philosopher becomes   Read More...

Published on May 5,2020 05:46 PM

March 22, 2020

By Nitya Swaruba in True Story | Reads: 679 | Likes: 2

I hear birds today, more clearly than ever. Balcony door is open ‘cause there’s no honking. No vrooms or zooms, no monster trucks shaking the house. No quarrels and voices being carried over. No people noise. I switched off the fan just to take this further. Oh yeah. Drenched in soundles  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 06:51 PM

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