Peggy Goldreich

Peggy Goldreich was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. At nineteen, she left America to live in Europe and became a textile designer traveling the world. Creating her own collection and working for the worlds best designers she never lost the wish to explore. People and different cultures inspired her. The moments along her path and a deep respect for the beauty in the world made her start to write. The search for insight into the motivation of man in the world was a priority. Her books are to inspire and to become the seer in time but never forgetting love. Here are her sparks of thought, shoRead More...


Moments in Time

Books by Peggy Goldreich

Moments in Time- a human look at the questions in Life

Who am I? 

The only question that goes unanswered for centuries.

I am— the answer of all spiritual leaders.


Do we use our time to look truly at ourselves?

Have we found the spark in our inside universe?

You are only a moment in time.

….and yet we are all only human.

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Books by Peggy Goldreich

Shams is a truly special book – spiritual, mystical and fantastically illuminating.

How did a man turn into the most famous love poet over many centuries? 

Who ignited this spark?

Shams Tabrizi was the man that came from nowhere and gave Rumi his secrets.

Connect to the energy of an ascended master.

Let him whisper in your ear the secrets of a future so demanding that you forget everything you learned.

Then carry th

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