Pooja Sarmalkar

Mrs.Pooja Sarmalkar born on 25th October 1982 is daughter of "Mrs.Pratibha shirodkar -Bcom Graduate & Successfull Homemaker & mother " and "Mr.Shriram Shirodkar-Diploma in Mechanical Engineering" from the well known Joint family called "Shirodkar" founder of Award Winning Company for last 10 -15 yrs in pharma Engineering Sector as " Pharmadies company " and "Shirodkar Enginnering Company" founder of both Companies was late Mr. Sakharam Shirodkar (Principal in Sharda Ashram School of Dadar & Founder of "Abhinav Vidya Mandir -Marathi Section School.) (Authors Grandfather). Myself PooRead More...


कोरोनाला लाईटली घेत....

By Pooja Sarmalkar in General Literary | Reads: 1,206 | Likes: 1

कोरोनाला लाईटली घेत लॉकडाउनमध्ये घराबाहेर पडणाऱ्यांसाठी एक वास्तव. एक दिवस अचानक ताप येतो घसा दुखू लागतो खोकला स  Read More...

Published on Apr 28,2020 02:42 PM

मुले, गणेश आणि कोरोनाव्हायरस !!

By Pooja Sarmalkar in True Story | Reads: 890 | Likes: 1

(कोरोना_सी तांत्रिकदृष्ट्या waiting news कोरोनाव्हायरस कोरोना?)  Character = (Deepa, Ravi and Vaayu - मुला) , Ganesha as superhero and corona virus. Vaayu :(asking father after seeing news on T. V  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 02:25 PM

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