Radhika Ramachandran graduated from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU) in 1998. She has been an expatriate living in the vibrant multi-cultural melting pot of  Lagos, Nigeria with her husband and two children from 2007. Radhika has had the opportunity to make many close friends from all over the world whom, along with her family members have entrusted her with their ancestral and generational recipes. A woman of many talents, Radhika is also an artist and a writer in addition to being a passionate, skillful and creative home cook. A consummate story teller, RadhiRead More...


Once Upon a Plate

Books by Radhika Ramachandran

This book is a compendium of myriad recipes from India and all over the world that can be drawn on to host a memorable dinner party, brunch or even a scrumptious breakfast. It could be the ace up the sleeve of anyone wishing to impress their guests by that delightful, perfect home-cooked meal. 

From pickles and chutneys, a quintessential South Indian breakfast menu, a comprehensive vegetarian and non-vegetarian section spread across tempting appetisers

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