Ram Prakash Singhal

It is difficult to imagine a mechanical engineer, from Jodhpur, Rajashthan, India in his eightieth year, writing a treatise on Gita after 55 years of professional service, but this is what Ram Prakash Singhal has done. Simplicity & modesty are the hallmarks of his work. His deep insight, literary flair and succulent narration of a highly spiritual, and at times intriguing scripture like Gita, punctuated with abundant examples, similes, short stories, anecdotes, real life situations, quotes of saints & great people, film songs, clarifications, and drawing moral lessons from the subject Read More...


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GITA for Gen A to Z : Pack of 3 Volumes

Books by Ram Prakash Singhal

A complete collection of all the "GITA for Gen A to Z - Vol I to III".

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GITA for Gen A to Z

Books by Ram Prakash Singhal

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GITA for Gen A to Z

Books by Ram Prakash Singhal

Yog Vaashishth: ‘Action and knowledge are two wings of bird that must flutter in harmony to reach the horizon of liberation.’


A practiser controls his Indriys as a dog controls his wagging tail; otherwise, the tail may start wagging the dog.


Achieving personal liberation is not the finale of Gita; fulfilling duties is also important.

God is the beneficiary of all good works as the governm

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