
The author of this book was born in the year 1979, in a small village near Agra. Being a banker’s son, he lived a life of a nomad, moving to different cities before finally settling in Lucknow. A commerce graduate from Lucknow University, his writing started when he was away from his family while living in Aligarh.  Saaraansh who considers himself a lifelong student of literature is currently working in the Barabanki district near Lucknow in a private bank.Read More...


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Books by सारांश

अक्सर जो लोग साथ होते हैं उनके जीवन के किस्से लगभग एक जैसे ही होतें हैं , मेरे साथ भी ऐसा ही हुआ।  आज से करीब दस साल पहले जो सफर मैंने अकेले शुरू किया था , अपनी भावनाओं को एक काव्य रूप

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Chaar Kos Ka Chaand is my first literary creation. Being the first, it’s an echo of my heart and a poetic representation of my feelings. I have kept the focus on the feelings rather than the grammar or the prose. It is a motley of Hindi & Urdu with Brijbhasa, my mother tongue, acting as a sweetener. I strive to connect with my readers and to move them with my creations.

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