Sarvjeet Soni


Sarvjeet Soni is a consultant, he consulted several successful persons and solved their problems, he has a nice set of psychological knowledge, and he is a student of biotechnology, he lived in Madhya Pradesh, India. He is the founder and CEO of a self-help channel called "psychosarva". He was researching on Swami Vivekananda for 2 years, before writing this book. YOU CAN VISIT PSYCHOSARVA YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR MORE VALUABLE CONTENT.Read More...


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Daily Life Vivekananda

Books by Sarvjeet Soni

“If you want to know how deep the quotes of Swami Vivekananda are, then definitely read this book.”

“This book showed that the words of Swami Vivekananda are still applicable today.”

“True success and goals and career, both are best chapters, quotes of Vivekanand are really deep.”


The author was researching on Swami Vivekanand for 2 years, before writing this book, the Author gone through hundred

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उसकी शादी

By Sarvjeet Soni in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 6,987 | Likes: 2

वो छोटी सी बच्ची अपनी मम्मी से एक गिलास दूध पीने को मना कर रही थी, रात में पकौड़ियां नहीं खाने दूंगी बोलके उसकी मम्म  Read More...

Published on Jul 2,2022 07:46 PM

झूठ बोलोगे?

By Sarvjeet Soni in Humour | Reads: 5,671 | Likes: 0

झूठ बोलना, जो बात जैसी है उसे वैसे ना बताकर कुछ और बताना, झूठ, हम सब इस बात से भी सहमत है कि झूठ बोलना सही नहीं है। पर को  Read More...

Published on Jun 18,2022 12:45 PM

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