
Selvadeepa She is very interested in reading novels since his school days. Ramanichandran and Rajesh Kumar are fond of novels. She created this novel by imagining the problems happening around him. The daily events and problems of women are brought before our eyes in this novel. This is his first work.     She worked as a school teacher for three years before marriage. She is going to make a novel about all the events she imagined. Like diving into the ocean and kissing, she will entertain you by giving you beautiful love, friendship, and all relationships with unexpected twists and turns.Read More...


மீள் கனவே

Books by செல்வதீபா

என்னுடைய இந்த நாவலான "மீள் கனவே" மூலம் உங்களை முதன் முறையாக சந்திக்கிறேன். இக்கதையில் எட்டு ஜோடிகள் இடம் பெற்றுள்ளனர். இக்கதையின் முதல் நாயகி தன் ஆருயிர் கணவனையும், குழந்தை

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