

Shaina Sahu is a sixteen-year-old student who currently lives in India. After years of trying to write a novel, she finally did it. Her debut novel Pearls of Wisdom is an exploration of the fanciful dreams and desires of teenagers and what happens when they are pursued. She loves to write about things that don’t exist, phenomena that none has experienced, and places that no one has visited.Read More...


Pearls of Wisdom

Books by Shaina Sahu

“Welcome to Ardoria, the land that makes better teapots than tea.”

Adelaide Mysfiere has longed for magic and whimsy her entire life. Growing up in the conservative town of Ardoria, she has been deprived of anything magical. One day, the stars align for her. Among the desolate ruins of the old Ardorian castle, Adelaide finds a pearl. She doesn’t know what it is, but she promises to find out, no matter the cost.

“Welcome to Kelli

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