Shannon Gable

Upcoming Travel Blogger & Writer.
Upcoming Travel Blogger & Writer.

An Upcoming Poet, Writer & Travel Blogger.  Hi, I am Shannon Gable. A young adult who believes in sharing and expressing her voice in the form of write ups. You can check my work on :    Read More...


Jumbled Thoughts

Books by Shannon Gable

So this book is a complete mix of all the poems i have written till date. Be it about love, broken hearts, family or even an experience i had and wanted to share is all in the form of poems.100% original poems that i have also uploaded on my Public Page on Instagram @_JumbledThoughts . Poems, Quotes and write-ups all original and inspired by daily real life. --------------------------------------------------------------- one poem, two poems, three poems, fo

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Quarantine ModeON

By Shannon Gable in General Literary | Reads: 247 | Likes: 0

Who knew that we, humans could be compared to our electronic devices? Where we can conveniently turn on the aeroplane mode on / off and yet use our gadgets? Who knew that a small deadly virus could be a switch to turn humans off all together just in one Click! Who knew that Work from Home & onli  Read More...

Published on Jul 13,2020 02:56 PM

What is LIFE?

By Shannon Gable in General Literary | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0

Life is strange, it’s weird, imperfect, and definitely not what we thought it would be. Because if it would be exactly how we thought it would be, then that would be a movie. As children we create this perfect illusion of how we want our life to be. I Remember when i was a kid, i had planned h  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 05:02 PM

Corona the Pandemic

By Shannon Gable in Poetry | Reads: 1,177 | Likes: 13

And just like that The world goes silent,  And human civilisation is homebound.  The air gets clearer and noise reduced  Vehicles seem to have halted,  And life come to a standstill.  Where the birds chirping hid behind  All the mess of living race,  And the chao  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 03:57 PM

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