Sharon Michael

A dancer, an aesthete, a massive Harry Potter fan and a very bad bathroom singer, Sharon loves to pen down her thoughts in the form of poetry and rhymes. This is her first book, which also features poems she wrote during her college days. Today, she works for an e-commerce company and has a great eye for all things fashion. Constantly seeking multiple ways to channel her creativity, she also dabbles in some travel photography (you can follow her on Instagram @sharon4_michael) and wishes to start her own line of clothing someday (It’s just that Netflix has great content, leading to major Read More...


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Books by Sharon Michael

This book is a compilation of poems, written at different times and on different subjects, and has nothing to do with the Beatles song (except that the author loves to hum that tune). From a few Harry Potter dedications to matters of the heart and some more serious matters like war, you can surely resonate with a poem or two. There are a few short ones in there as well, written during times we call “the writer’s block”, hope you enjoy them regardless.

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