Sreenivas Madhira

I am Sreenivas Madhira (aka Sree), currently a resident of Perth, Australia. Always fancied myself a writer and a philosopher (probably not in the same order) and finally gave in to one of my many such urges to write. Whole-heartedly welcome your feedback.Read More...


This is It

Books by Sreenivas Madhira

A man dies. Goes to the heavens.  Has a few spiritually uplifting experiences.  Comes back. Shares his experiences with the rest of the world. But that’s not how this story goes.  A man, a god-fearing, God-loving man, dies.  But whatever he experiences in his afterlife is not quite uplifting, spiritually or otherwise.  Far from it.  He does receive an epiphany but not the kind one expects in an afterlife. His long-held beliefs are challenged, his faith

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