Sudipta Mishra

Sudipta Mishra is a writer and artist. Apart from an avid reader she is also a blogger and a trained classical dancer. She finds ecstasy in traveling and singing too. She enjoys her daily chores with her spouse and also with her mother. She is a dedicated home maker and a mother of a beautiful 8-year-old busy bee, Shreeya. The author is a young, aspiring, dynamic persona who in this book tries to convince her reader towards a positive approach to life through her contagious enthusiasm. Her keen insight towards the problems in the society and a practical solution renders her as a unique writerRead More...


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The Essence of Life

Books by Sudipta Mishra

After the huge success of her first short story collection, "SuperbExpress”, Sudipta Mishra, returns with another book of essays, "The Essence of Life”. In this notable creation she analyses the contemporary issues of life. She also provides solutions to the most unmanageable problems of our country, such as gender discrimination, violence against women, inequality, ecological -uncertainty , pollution, communal- violence, women -empowerment and muc

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Superb Express

Books by Sudipta Mishra

This book depicts a celebration of life. But what should we celebrate it for? The answer is very lucid.

We should celebrate for being alive. Each day is a new day to rejoice and solemnize the joy of living. We should not forget the vital zest that it is a victory to survive in this fatal world. Hence each day, life gives us 100 reasons to smile. So grab it. Smile back at life. Do not just cling on the remorseful things. Please move on.

A new hor

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How to combat corona fear towards self-control and love

By Sudipta Mishra in War Story | Reads: 936 | Likes: 0

In a major worldwide outbreak of novel COVID-19 virus  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 11:18 AM

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