Suhail Azeem Khan

Retiered DCO of bank . This book is about, When muslim boy enjo sex with hindu prostitute girl. Why not call Love Jihad.
Retiered DCO of bank . This book is about, When muslim boy enjo sex with hindu prostitute girl. Why not call Love Jihad.

Unless the author is already famous, nobody cares about him or his book. So it is important for the author to write about himself sometimes. My name is Suhail Azeem Khan. I am a retired Deputy Chief Officer and Branch Manager of a bank. In my book, I have written about some girls who are forcibly kidnapped and pushed into prostitution. There are some pimps who deceive and lie to the girls and then sell them to prostitution centers. Then those girls are left to be torn and plundered by strangers day and night and their dignity is robbed. Religion has no importance here.Read More...


धर्म और मानव

Books by सुहैल अजीम खान

यहां मैंने अपनी किताब में कुछ लड़कियों के बारे में लिखा है जिन्हें जबरदस्ती अगवा कर लिया जाता है और वेश्यावृत्ति में धकेल दिया जाता है। कुछ दलाल लड़कियों को धोखा देकर झूठ बोलते

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