Swami Shraddha

Primary School Teacher
Primary School Teacher

Swami Shradha is a primary school teacher. She is a member of Yog Maandir Foundation; a foundation that primarily serves underprivileged children and promotes women empowerment. Swami Shradha works for the upliftment of society through Yog Maandir Foundation. She is progressing in her spiritual path as well as balancing the liabilities with grace and commitment.Read More...


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Maa - A Mother

Books by Swami Shraddha

Maa – A Mother will successfully create faith, trust and rebuild the lost devotion amongst the distressed and from the bruised hearts of all! It is a heart that has bled for the love; a cradle to swing for the motherly warmth. It will take you to the realms of spirituality where a being will be carried into the arms of the Supreme. Jyan Ji will resolve the queries, Maa will swing the cradle! Together to dissolve into the ocean of Brahm – never to breathe t

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I, MY or ME

By Swami Shraddha in Life Journey | Reads: 2,980 | Likes: 11

The light touched the eyes with the glow of another for its identity. Acquaintance began instantly, as if waiting for it for quite some time. Ahh! There are others who blinked with disappointment, for they waited for someone else. I realized it, I am not their pet, they hoped for a better life to em  Read More...

Published on Jul 7,2022 08:13 PM

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