Swami Subramaniam

Swami Subramaniam is a physician- scientist who spent most of his career in the biopharmaceutical industry. He co-founded Aurigene Discovery Technologies, headed business development for a Danish biotech, and spent several years in in R&D in Merck (MSD) and Abbott Nutrition. He currently heads - Ignite Life Science Foundation, a science philanthropy with the mission "Making Science Work for India". He is the author of two books Mastering Sleep, the science behind sleeping well and Healing Hands the biography of a plastic surgeon who set up the worlds largest hand injury service at a GovernmentRead More...


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Mission Possible

Books by Swami Subramaniam And Aparajithan Srivathsan

Rising affluence is triggering an explosion in lifestyle diseases, driving spiraling growth in healthcare costs and loss of productivity. If this is not checked there is a serious danger of India not realising its economic goals. The provision of healthcare to all Indian citizens, regardless of ability to pay, is a must if we are to avoid this danger. This raises the question - is Universal Health Coverage (UHC) feasible for a large middle-income country like

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