Swaran Lata

Swaran Lata is a woman of quiet strength and resilience, rising from a humble lower-middle-class background to become a beacon of inspiration for her family and community. Despite daily struggles and the responsibility of supporting her siblings, her resolve never wavered. With the steadfast support of her parents, she earned prestigious academic honors, including *Hindi Prabhakar*, an MA in Hindi, and a B.Ed. However, her talents extend far beyond the classroom. Swaran Lata is an avid lover of sports, art, and music, fueled by a boundless curiosity that keeps her exploring new horizons. At thRead More...


क्षण भर की

Books by स्वर्ण लता

इस आकर्षक हिंदी कविता संग्रह के माध्यम से अस्थिरता, हानि और आत्मिक जागरूकता के गहरे विषयों की खोज करें। इस संग्रह की प्रत्येक कविता मानव स्थिति की एक झलक प्रस्तुत करती है, जिसमे

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