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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalTEAM ARSU is the book writing team of MYARSU. Being guided by the same inspiration, leadership and thoughts, we are working in the direction of Making Education Easy by making it more interactive and personalised. We seek active participation from readers to raise questions, seek clarifications, suggest topics for inclusion or by just giving honest feedback. We welcome other writers to join our initiative or give valuable inputs on our efforts towards the changing of whole learning ecosystem.Read More...
TEAM ARSU is the book writing team of MYARSU. Being guided by the same inspiration, leadership and thoughts, we are working in the direction of Making Education Easy by making it more interactive and personalised. We seek active participation from readers to raise questions, seek clarifications, suggest topics for inclusion or by just giving honest feedback. We welcome other writers to join our initiative or give valuable inputs on our efforts towards the changing of whole learning ecosystem.
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This book is designed to throw better light on Indian Society which was missed by Orientalist and present-day young Muller’s, this book is developed by using the philosophy of Jagadguru Adi Shankracharya, i.e. philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which forces us to look for knowledge which is inside human rather than what knowledge a man possesses. It is considered as the true form of Vidya and under present circumstances, it is the most vital need of Indian S
This book is designed to throw better light on Indian Society which was missed by Orientalist and present-day young Muller’s, this book is developed by using the philosophy of Jagadguru Adi Shankracharya, i.e. philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which forces us to look for knowledge which is inside human rather than what knowledge a man possesses. It is considered as the true form of Vidya and under present circumstances, it is the most vital need of Indian Society, especially our Administrators who are supposed to serve the people of India as an Iron Pillar. It is vital that they know about the past, present and future of Indian Society and serves it with excellence, as Krishna said, “योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्”, i.e. Unity (or Yoga) is excellence in Action.
Based on it, the book contains relevant information on the topics under Society portion of GS Paper-I such as- Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India; Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies; Effects of globalization on Indian society; Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism along with approach and solutions on previous year Questions.
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude book for Civil Services Examination (GS Paper-IV) to develop readers attitude & approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and problem solving approach to various issues & conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. Topics covered include-
Ethics & Human Interface: Essence, determinants & consequences of Ethics in-human actions; its dimensions; ethics in private & public relat
Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude book for Civil Services Examination (GS Paper-IV) to develop readers attitude & approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and problem solving approach to various issues & conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. Topics covered include-
Ethics & Human Interface: Essence, determinants & consequences of Ethics in-human actions; its dimensions; ethics in private & public relationships. Human Values- lessons from the lives & teachings of great leaders, reformers & administrators; role of family, society & educational institutions in inculcating values
Attitude: content, structure, function; influence & relation with thought & behaviour; moral & political attitudes; social influence & persuasion
Aptitude & foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality &non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance & compassion
Emotional intelligence-concepts, & their utilities and application in administration & governance
Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India & the world
Public/Civil service values & Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns & dilemmas in government & private institutions; laws, rules, regulations & conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability & ethical governance; strengthening of ethical & moral values in governance; ethical issues in international relations & funding; corporate governance etc.
Awareness on National Security is vital part of whole UPSC Civil Services Examination. The topic of National Security starts from- Preliminary Examination in the form of MCQs on defense equipment's/military exercises, In Main Examination, around 4 questions (50 Marks) of GS-III are directly related to National Security & in the Interview Stage, at least one interview board member ask questions related to internal and external security of India, if not more
Awareness on National Security is vital part of whole UPSC Civil Services Examination. The topic of National Security starts from- Preliminary Examination in the form of MCQs on defense equipment's/military exercises, In Main Examination, around 4 questions (50 Marks) of GS-III are directly related to National Security & in the Interview Stage, at least one interview board member ask questions related to internal and external security of India, if not more.
Based on these needs and past experiences, our book 'National Security Strategy: Securing India Internally and Externally' carries five broad chapters with some other sections to develop a holistic understanding on the internal and external security environment of India. Help is taken from not just the recent National Security perspectives but also from our past with the works of Kautilya (Chanakya) and wise advice's from Mahabharata and other Sages. All of that is condensed to impart information on various topics,
Linkages between development and spread of extremism;
Role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security;
Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security; money-laundering and its prevention;
Security challenges and their management in border areas - linkages of organized crime with terrorism; and
Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate
The creation of an ethical thought, ethical person, ethical society, ethical nation and an ethical world depends on two things: 1. The kind of knowledge or education we have to learn, and 2. The kind of idols we have to act as conscience keeper of society and guide the conduct of individuals. This book is designed to develop that right kind of knowledge and understanding of ethics in order to help you in the examination and life. If we read Ramayana, we will i
The creation of an ethical thought, ethical person, ethical society, ethical nation and an ethical world depends on two things: 1. The kind of knowledge or education we have to learn, and 2. The kind of idols we have to act as conscience keeper of society and guide the conduct of individuals. This book is designed to develop that right kind of knowledge and understanding of ethics in order to help you in the examination and life. If we read Ramayana, we will identify that it not just gives us information on the efforts of Ram to save Mata Sita but how he fought for the cause of Dharma and created a society based on Dharma and having control over its senses. Today, the lack of control over those senses is the prime reason behind the increasing crime in our society and people becoming more materialistic with decreased application of Dharma in life. Therefore, this book tries to connect the readers with our past and learn the true meaning of dharma/ethics under the present circumstances. While the ancient wisdom is kept as the binding glue for the book; it follows an interactive mode of learning where a range of examples, quotes and situations are given from the present life in order to better visualize the situation and apply ethics, integrity and aptitude to it. Add to that, the book contains model answers to all previous year papers of General Studies Paper-IV since its introduction, i.e. 2013 In case of any doubt, help etc. you can contact us at- education@myarsu.com.
This book contains model answers to the questions and case studies asked in General Studies-IV (GS-4) Civil Services Mains Paper from 2013 to 2019 with detailed information on the background/framework of the question/likely answer. It is important to note that as a subject in Civil Services Examination, GS-4 is the only subject where we have comparatively well defined syllabus and paper pattern. Because of this, each individual can score good marks in the paper w
This book contains model answers to the questions and case studies asked in General Studies-IV (GS-4) Civil Services Mains Paper from 2013 to 2019 with detailed information on the background/framework of the question/likely answer. It is important to note that as a subject in Civil Services Examination, GS-4 is the only subject where we have comparatively well defined syllabus and paper pattern. Because of this, each individual can score good marks in the paper with lesser efforts as compared to other General Studies Papers, i.e. if you dedicate 15-20 days to this subject, you will not just learn about the complete subject but you can score much more as compared to other General Studies paper, as they require much more time because of their dynamic nature. If we consider the previous year question Papers of General Studies-IV, the questions were divided into two parts as: 1. Theory-based Questions (based on the theoretical aspects of the ethics), and 2. Case Studies (based on the actual or probable life situations). The answers are divided into two portions with first one detailing about the framework of the answer or background of the question, giving details about the basic idea of the question or the form of case study. The second part is the model answer giving wider inputs on the question. We hope that wider considerations will help the reader in understanding the question and how to structure the answer, based on the question.
HARYANA GK: HARYANA AT THE START OF 2020 book is the 2020 edition of our General Knowledge Haryana book with updated information post new government formation. To upgrade over the previous edition and to make this book more useful for the students preparing for Haryana State level Examinations like HCS (Ex. Br.) and Other Allied Services Examination lot of new sections are added to the book like famous personalities of Haryana, Sustainable Development Goals and H
HARYANA GK: HARYANA AT THE START OF 2020 book is the 2020 edition of our General Knowledge Haryana book with updated information post new government formation. To upgrade over the previous edition and to make this book more useful for the students preparing for Haryana State level Examinations like HCS (Ex. Br.) and Other Allied Services Examination lot of new sections are added to the book like famous personalities of Haryana, Sustainable Development Goals and Haryana, GS Mains examination of 2019 along with the updated information on the history, geography, polity, economy etc. of Haryana. The detailed list of its chapters include: Introduction to Haryana; Geography of Haryana; History of Haryana; Culture of Haryana; Economy of Haryana; Polity of Haryana; Schemes, Policies and measures by Centre and State for Welfare; Administrative, Educational and non-educational Institutions; Vital Census and Miscellaneous information on Haryana (based on the analysis of previous Exams); Leaders and Famous Personalities of Haryana; Honours in India; Important information on the Constitution of India; Recent Developments on Environment and SDGs; Important Day; Previous year General Studies Solved MCQ of HCS (Ex. Br.) and other allied services 2018, 2014 and 2011; and General Studies paper of HCS Mains-2019.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the most significant global development of this decade with its influence spreading over the world till next decade. Sustainable Development Goals were presented by the United Nations for adoption in 2015 as- “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, to provide a roadmap for development until 2030. India adopted these goals and integrated global aspirations to our our policies. Today, our p
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the most significant global development of this decade with its influence spreading over the world till next decade. Sustainable Development Goals were presented by the United Nations for adoption in 2015 as- “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, to provide a roadmap for development until 2030. India adopted these goals and integrated global aspirations to our our policies. Today, our policymakers are more concerned than ever towards addressing the problems of poverty, hunger, climate change etc. Sustainable Development Goals has given a new approach to our policymaking. The Protracted policies and approvals with inconsistent results are getting replaced by targeted/ time defined policies and clearances. This book presents the current state of India on each sustainable development goal along with the recent policy initiatives taken in terms of change in domestic laws, policy measures etc. The book follows a 360-degree approach on each goal and presents 17 nicely crafted essays for students aspiring to become future administrator (through UPSC Civil Services Examination or State Public Service Examination). It will also help the informed citizens who care about the nature and aspire a better future of our nation in getting a deeper understanding on the events happening around us.
The Constitution of India is an indispensable guide for every citizen of India and part of all administrative services examinations including Civil Services Examination and other State level Examinations or SSC. This importance can be identified from the fact that almost on a consistent basis we have 10 to 15 questions from the Constitution of India in preliminary examination and it serves as the base of General Studies-2 in Main Examination with 5 to 6 questions
The Constitution of India is an indispensable guide for every citizen of India and part of all administrative services examinations including Civil Services Examination and other State level Examinations or SSC. This importance can be identified from the fact that almost on a consistent basis we have 10 to 15 questions from the Constitution of India in preliminary examination and it serves as the base of General Studies-2 in Main Examination with 5 to 6 questions (around 70-80 marks) each year. The importance of Indian Polity increases more if it happens that you have Law, Public Administration, Political Science or any other optional subject which requires understanding on the Constitution of India. So, to make you better aware on the Constitution of India and give greater insights on handling the questions in both stages of the Examination, we have developed this book as the most updated Constitution of India for competitive examination (up to last Amendment, i.e. 103rd) along with previous year questions asked by UPSC in Preliminary Examination (up to 2019) and Mains Examination (2013-18). Strong efforts are made to identify the changing perspectives from the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and those perspectives are added to help you in understanding the current political and administrative developments of India in refined way and secure good marks in Civil Services and other competitive examinations.
Every year 8 to 10lakh students apply for the Civil Services Examination. Nearly half of them participate in the Preliminary Examination. From those 4 to 5lakh students only 10 to 14 thousand students (in proportion to the total number of vacancies) are selected to appear in the Main Examination. Out of them, between 2 to 3 thousand aspirants get the interview call letter and only a handful of them (800 to 1100, based on the total number of vacancies) makes to th
Every year 8 to 10lakh students apply for the Civil Services Examination. Nearly half of them participate in the Preliminary Examination. From those 4 to 5lakh students only 10 to 14 thousand students (in proportion to the total number of vacancies) are selected to appear in the Main Examination. Out of them, between 2 to 3 thousand aspirants get the interview call letter and only a handful of them (800 to 1100, based on the total number of vacancies) makes to the final list of Civil Services Examination. So, mathematically your probability of clearing Civil Services Examination is approximately 0.1% and it becomes even lesser if your dream is to become an IAS in your own State. “How to Crack Civil Services Examination” tells you in detail about the Civil Services Examination. It explains about the examination pattern, syllabus, previous year papers and how to develop a strategy for all the stages and vital papers of the Civil Services Examination. In order to bring best help to you and turn that 0.1% probability into 100% reality, our team has gone in detail on the approach adopted by the UPSC, what it seeks in a candidate and most importantly, what the selected candidates do in terms of strategy or preparation which differentiates them from serious and knowledgeable yet not-selected candidates. As a gift and a tool to check your understanding of the Civil Services Examination, an essay test is added at the end of this book. Kindly use that and submit it for our feedback.
General Knowledge Haryana book is the 2019 edition of our previous book on Haryana, primarily developed for the students preparing for Haryana State level Examinations like HCS (Ex. Br.) and Other Allied Services Examination. The book works on providing holistic information on the State of Haryana through its chapters as: Introduction to Haryana; Geography of Haryana; History of Haryana; Culture of Haryana; Economy of Haryana; Polity of Haryana; Schemes, Policie
General Knowledge Haryana book is the 2019 edition of our previous book on Haryana, primarily developed for the students preparing for Haryana State level Examinations like HCS (Ex. Br.) and Other Allied Services Examination. The book works on providing holistic information on the State of Haryana through its chapters as: Introduction to Haryana; Geography of Haryana; History of Haryana; Culture of Haryana; Economy of Haryana; Polity of Haryana; Schemes, Policies and measures by Centre and State for Welfare; Educational and non-educational Institutions, Departments, Boards and Organisations of Haryana; Vital Census based information and other miscellaneous information on Haryana (based on the analysis of previous Exams), Previous year General Studies Solved MCQ of HCS (Ex. Br.) and other allied services 2018, 2014 and 2011; and Important Information on the Constitution of India.
The book contains Previous year solved HCS and Other Allied Services Preliminary paper with detailed Information on the State of Haryana, its Geography, History, Culture, Economy, Polity, Government run schemes, People in News, Major Events, Important policy and initiatives, Educational Institutions, Governmental organisations and important pieces of information based on the detailed analysis of the various state examinations
The book contains Previous year solved HCS and Other Allied Services Preliminary paper with detailed Information on the State of Haryana, its Geography, History, Culture, Economy, Polity, Government run schemes, People in News, Major Events, Important policy and initiatives, Educational Institutions, Governmental organisations and important pieces of information based on the detailed analysis of the various state examinations
The creation of an ethical thought, ethical person, ethical society, ethical nation or an ethical world depend on two things. The first thing is the kind of knowledge or education we have to learn. And the second thing is the kind of people we have to guide our conduct. For thousands of years, we had Vedas as the knowledge to learn and Lord Ram acted as the guide of the conscience of every Indian. For imparting the true meaning of dharma/ethics, the book is writ
The creation of an ethical thought, ethical person, ethical society, ethical nation or an ethical world depend on two things. The first thing is the kind of knowledge or education we have to learn. And the second thing is the kind of people we have to guide our conduct. For thousands of years, we had Vedas as the knowledge to learn and Lord Ram acted as the guide of the conscience of every Indian. For imparting the true meaning of dharma/ethics, the book is written with as many examples and quotes we can have from the rich Indian heritage of knowledge. That doesn’t mean that we have neglected the Western ideas on ethics or modern-day examples or situations faced by the people. While the practical wisdom of ancient India is the binding glue, the book follows an interactive mode of learning and attempts are made to give the best of examples, quotes and situations from the real-life. To make the book more interactive and engage the readers with the learnings the book is made part of the innovative platform of www.myarsu.com. The readers can register on the platform using link (https://www.myarsu.com/ppr/), to get the free soft copy of all future updates, ask for missing topics, detailed idea on a covered or loss end topic (like apathy), additional topics required, raise queries on covered topics and get questions or exercises on the ethics subject material from exam perspective.
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