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"It was a wonderful experience interacting with you and appreciate the way you have planned and executed the whole publication process within the agreed timelines.”
Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh PalMusic lover Vinod Kumar started learning harmonium and dholak since his childhood. He continued his music learning with academic education. He is educated as M.Com and Grad. C.W.A. He got Railway service by beating the competition . He has a passion for music and passed ‘Prabhakar’ course in ‘Synthesizer’ and ‘Tabla’ subject from “Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Prayagraj”. He continued learning music and ragas. He started teaching music to students and felt that there is a need for Sargam/Swarlipi of songs to play on harmonium or any other instrument. He started writing notes of tRead More...
Music lover Vinod Kumar started learning harmonium and dholak since his childhood. He continued his music learning with academic education. He is educated as M.Com and Grad. C.W.A. He got Railway service by beating the competition .
He has a passion for music and passed ‘Prabhakar’ course in ‘Synthesizer’ and ‘Tabla’ subject from “Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Prayagraj”. He continued learning music and ragas.
He started teaching music to students and felt that there is a need for Sargam/Swarlipi of songs to play on harmonium or any other instrument. He started writing notes of the song and made freely available to the audience through his blog namely ‘vinodnotations.blogspot.in’. These notations are liked by lakhs of people.
He wrote many books of “51 Geeton ki Sargam” of many famous Singers. Mukesh Vol-1,2, Lata, Kishore Asha, Yesudas, Manna Dey and Rafi Vol-1,2,3 in Hindi which is available to purchase online. The books are now available in English SRGM and in Western Notations version online, especially at Notionpress.com. Any person having a basic knowledge of music can play the songs on any instrument and can enjoy it. The book is written beat by beat. Taal/Rhythm of the songs and one chord to follow are mentioned in every song. The book is very useful for music students and music lovers.
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Business letters written in Sloan Duployan Shorthand is provided in this book also their transcription in Englsih. Students who are learning this shorthand system can take benefit of this book and can improve their shorthand writing and transcription and makeup speed.
Business letters written in Sloan Duployan Shorthand is provided in this book also their transcription in Englsih. Students who are learning this shorthand system can take benefit of this book and can improve their shorthand writing and transcription and makeup speed.
मो. रफ़ी के चाहने वाले, उनकी आवाज़ के दीवाने पूरी दुनिया में मौजूद हैं. रफ़ी साहब की आवाज़ का ऐसा जादू है कि आज भी युवा बुज़ुर्ग सभी उनके गाये गीत चुन चुन कर सुनते हैं और गाते हैं और आनंद व
मो. रफ़ी के चाहने वाले, उनकी आवाज़ के दीवाने पूरी दुनिया में मौजूद हैं. रफ़ी साहब की आवाज़ का ऐसा जादू है कि आज भी युवा बुज़ुर्ग सभी उनके गाये गीत चुन चुन कर सुनते हैं और गाते हैं और आनंद विभोर हो जाते हैं. ऐसे गीत प्रेमियों के लिए ये पुस्तक वरदान साबित होगी. इसमें रफ़ी साहब के गाये 151 गीत दिए गए हैं. जिसकी मदद से आप जब चाहे गीत गाकर आनंद पा सकते हैं.
लता मंगेशकर के गीतों का कौन दीवाना नहीं है? हर व्यक्ति हर दिन लता जी के गीतों को ढूंढ ढूंढ कर सुनता है. उनके गीतों में जो मधुरता, सादगी, मिठास, शोखी, तरुणाई और स्वर गूढ़ता (स्वरों की गह
लता मंगेशकर के गीतों का कौन दीवाना नहीं है? हर व्यक्ति हर दिन लता जी के गीतों को ढूंढ ढूंढ कर सुनता है. उनके गीतों में जो मधुरता, सादगी, मिठास, शोखी, तरुणाई और स्वर गूढ़ता (स्वरों की गहराई और ऊँचाई) पायी जाती है वो अतुलनीय है. ‘लता के 51 गीतों की सरगम’ पुस्तक के पिछले संस्करण की अपार सफलता के बाद ये नया संस्करण प्रस्तुत है. जो अभी तक इस पुस्तक को नहीं खरीद पाए हैं वे अवश्य इसे खरीदकर आनंद पायेंगे. इसमें लय ताल के साथ स्वरलिपि प्रस्तुत की गयी है. गीत के साथ बजाई जाने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों का ग़ज़लें सुनने का जूनून सर्वोपरि है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रति उनका प्यार और उनका लगाव अतुलनीय है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रोग्राम खचाखच भरे देखे गए हैं. ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों के आग्रह प
ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों का ग़ज़लें सुनने का जूनून सर्वोपरि है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रति उनका प्यार और उनका लगाव अतुलनीय है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रोग्राम खचाखच भरे देखे गए हैं. ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों के आग्रह पर “सुपरहिट 51 ग़ज़लों की सरगम” पुस्तक प्रकाशित की गयी है. इससे ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों को घर बैठे ग़ज़लें गाने बजाने में सुविधा होगी. इस पुस्तक में जगजीत सिंह, चित्रा सिंह, बेग़म अख्तर, चन्दन दास, मेहँदी हसन और गुलाम अली की प्रमुख ग़ज़लों के अतिरिक्त अन्य मशहूर ग़ज़ल गायकों की ग़ज़लें शामिल हैं. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन ग़ज़लों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
सुप्रसिद्ध गायक मुकेश के दर्द भरे 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग -1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. मुकेश के गाये हुए सुपर हिट गीतों के स्वर और उनकी स्वरल
सुप्रसिद्ध गायक मुकेश के दर्द भरे 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग -1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. मुकेश के गाये हुए सुपर हिट गीतों के स्वर और उनकी स्वरलिपि हिंदी में इस पुस्तक में लय ताल के साथ लिखकर प्रस्तुत की गयी है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया गया है. गीत के साथ बजने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
जन जन के हृदय में बसे मशहूर गायक कुमार शानू के गाये 51 गीतों के स्वर और उनकी ताल सहित आसान स्वरलिपि इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया ग
जन जन के हृदय में बसे मशहूर गायक कुमार शानू के गाये 51 गीतों के स्वर और उनकी ताल सहित आसान स्वरलिपि इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया गया है. गीत के साथ बजने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
मन को सुकून और आनंद पंहुचाने वाले मुकेश के 51 सुपरहिट गीतों की लिरिक्स और उनकी सरगम इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. लय, ताल और एक कोर्ड की जानकारी उपलब्ध होने से पुस्तक अत्यंत रोचक, ज्ञा
मन को सुकून और आनंद पंहुचाने वाले मुकेश के 51 सुपरहिट गीतों की लिरिक्स और उनकी सरगम इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. लय, ताल और एक कोर्ड की जानकारी उपलब्ध होने से पुस्तक अत्यंत रोचक, ज्ञानवर्धक और संग्रह योग्य है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाले आसानी से गीत गा बजा सकते हैं.
Music is the medium to meet the God. Everyone wants to sing and play songs. This book contains
Md. Rafi’s song Lyrics and its Sargam or Swarlipi in English language and SRGM style. It is having 51 famous songs sung by singer Md. Rafi. It contains Hindi film songs, sad songs and happy songs, bhajan, gazal etc. Different moods of Md. Rafi are collected in this book. Anybody having basic sargam knowledge can play songs easily following the book notes. Son
Music is the medium to meet the God. Everyone wants to sing and play songs. This book contains
Md. Rafi’s song Lyrics and its Sargam or Swarlipi in English language and SRGM style. It is having 51 famous songs sung by singer Md. Rafi. It contains Hindi film songs, sad songs and happy songs, bhajan, gazal etc. Different moods of Md. Rafi are collected in this book. Anybody having basic sargam knowledge can play songs easily following the book notes. Songs based on different Taals like - Kaharwa, Daadra, Rupak, Jhaptaal are included in this book. Have the book and enjoy priceless heavenly happiness and joy.
Always happy faced, heartbeat of everybody, melodious and soft spoken Udit Narayan’s selected 51 super hit songs in English and their notes in CDEF style is presented in the bouquet of this book. This is a gift to fans of Udit Narayan. Taal and Sa of each songs is provided and one chord is also provided to accompany. This is useful book for music lovers. Even beginners can play songs easily with the help of this book. This is a collectible book for your
Always happy faced, heartbeat of everybody, melodious and soft spoken Udit Narayan’s selected 51 super hit songs in English and their notes in CDEF style is presented in the bouquet of this book. This is a gift to fans of Udit Narayan. Taal and Sa of each songs is provided and one chord is also provided to accompany. This is useful book for music lovers. Even beginners can play songs easily with the help of this book. This is a collectible book for your library.
Always happy faced, heartbeat of everybody, melodious and soft spoken Udit Narayan’s selected 51 super hit songs in English and their notes in SRGM style is presented in the bouquet of this book. This is a gift to fans of Udit Narayan. Taal and Sa of each songs is provided and one chord is also provided to accompany. This is useful book for music lovers. Even beginners can play songs easily with the help of this book. This is a collectible book for your
Always happy faced, heartbeat of everybody, melodious and soft spoken Udit Narayan’s selected 51 super hit songs in English and their notes in SRGM style is presented in the bouquet of this book. This is a gift to fans of Udit Narayan. Taal and Sa of each songs is provided and one chord is also provided to accompany. This is useful book for music lovers. Even beginners can play songs easily with the help of this book. This is a collectible book for your library.
જીવન એ ચાર દિવસનો મેળો છે. તેને વ્યર્થ ન બગાડો. માનવ જન્મ ખૂબ જ ભાગ્ય સાથે મળ્યો છે. પ્રભુની આરાધના કરીને તે કરાવો. જીવનની દોડ ચાલુ રહેશે. પ્રભુની સ્તુતિ કરવામાં થોડી ક્ષણો વિતાવો.
જીવન એ ચાર દિવસનો મેળો છે. તેને વ્યર્થ ન બગાડો. માનવ જન્મ ખૂબ જ ભાગ્ય સાથે મળ્યો છે. પ્રભુની આરાધના કરીને તે કરાવો. જીવનની દોડ ચાલુ રહેશે. પ્રભુની સ્તુતિ કરવામાં થોડી ક્ષણો વિતાવો. અંતે કશું જ એકસાથે નહીં ચાલે. એક, તમારા પ્રભુનું નામ, સુમિરણ તમને ભવ સાગર પાર કરાવશે. ભગવાનના ચરણોમાં ભજન ગાવાથી મોક્ષ મેળવો. જય રાધે કૃષ્ણા
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajans and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan. This is a collectible book.
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajans and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan. This is a collectible book.
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of GOD.
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of GOD.
বিখ্যাত গায়ক মহেন্দ্র কাপুর অনেক সুপার হিট গান গেয়েছেন। তার একক এবং দ্বৈত গান চিরসবুজ এবং খুব জনপ্রিয়। মানুষ তার গানের পাগল এবং প্রতিদিন তার গান শুনছে। এই বইটিতে, তার গানগু
বিখ্যাত গায়ক মহেন্দ্র কাপুর অনেক সুপার হিট গান গেয়েছেন। তার একক এবং দ্বৈত গান চিরসবুজ এবং খুব জনপ্রিয়। মানুষ তার গানের পাগল এবং প্রতিদিন তার গান শুনছে। এই বইটিতে, তার গানগুলিকে ইংরেজি ভাষায় গানের লিরিক্স হিসাবে উপস্থাপন করা হয়েছে এবং সরেগমপ স্টাইলে তাল এবং জ্যা সহযোগে এর স্বরলিপি দেওয়া হয়েছে। 51টি নির্বাচিত গান এবং তাদের স্বরলিপি এই বইটিতে লায়া এবং তালে দেওয়া হয়েছে। এটি সঙ্গীত প্রেমীদের এবং সঙ্গীত ছাত্রদের জন্য যে কোন যন্ত্রে বাজানো সহায়ক। এটি সংগ্রহের জন্য একটি বই।
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. Yu have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan Laxmi Narayana. This is a collectible book.
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. Yu have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan Laxmi Narayana. This is a collectible book.
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan Laxmi Narayana. This is a collectible book.<
This life is four days fair. Do not waste it. You have got this human body fortunately. Make it better by singing Bhajan and Praying God. Life is rushing and always busy. At the end of this life, nothing will go with you. Only your prayers and bhajan will take you across this life’s ocean. With the help of this book, play and sing bhajans and get Moksh at the feet of Bhagwan Laxmi Narayana. This is a collectible book.
Mahendra Kapoor, a famous singer, has sung many super hit songs. His solo and duet songs are evergreen and very popular. People are crazy about his songs and are listening to his songs daily. In this book, his songs are presented as lyrics in the English language and its notations in CDEFG style with taal and chord to accompany. 51 selected songs and their notations are provided in this book in Laya and Taal. It is helpful to mus
Mahendra Kapoor, a famous singer, has sung many super hit songs. His solo and duet songs are evergreen and very popular. People are crazy about his songs and are listening to his songs daily. In this book, his songs are presented as lyrics in the English language and its notations in CDEFG style with taal and chord to accompany. 51 selected songs and their notations are provided in this book in Laya and Taal. It is helpful to music lovers and music students to play on any instrument. This is a book for the collection.
Mahendra Kapoor, a famous singer, has sung many super hit songs. His solo and duet songs are evergreen and very popular. People are crazy about his songs and are listening to his songs daily. In this book, his songs are presented as lyrics in the English language and its notations in SRGMP style with taal and chord to accompany. 51 selected songs and their notations are provided in this book in Laya and Taal. It is helpful to mus
Mahendra Kapoor, a famous singer, has sung many super hit songs. His solo and duet songs are evergreen and very popular. People are crazy about his songs and are listening to his songs daily. In this book, his songs are presented as lyrics in the English language and its notations in SRGMP style with taal and chord to accompany. 51 selected songs and their notations are provided in this book in Laya and Taal. It is helpful to music lovers and music students to play on any instrument. This is a book for the collection.
Punjabi culture is great. Punjabi songs are liked by all. In this book some Sabad saram is provided, also many old Punjabi songs’ lyrics in English and its notations in CDEF style is provided to help music lovers to play on their instrument. A beginner can understand and play songs easily. This is a book for collection.
Punjabi culture is great. Punjabi songs are liked by all. In this book some Sabad saram is provided, also many old Punjabi songs’ lyrics in English and its notations in CDEF style is provided to help music lovers to play on their instrument. A beginner can understand and play songs easily. This is a book for collection.
Punjabi culture is great. Punjabi songs are liked by all. In this book some Sabad saram is provided, also many old Punjabi songs’ lyrics in English and its notations in SRGM style is provided to help music lovers to play on their instrument. A beginner can understand and play songs easily. This is a book for collection.
Punjabi culture is great. Punjabi songs are liked by all. In this book some Sabad saram is provided, also many old Punjabi songs’ lyrics in English and its notations in SRGM style is provided to help music lovers to play on their instrument. A beginner can understand and play songs easily. This is a book for collection.
Suman Kalyanpur is a very popular singer having sweet voice similar to Lata Mangeshkar. Her songs with Md. Rafi and with Mukesh are very melodious and superhit till now. Her solo songs have created a history of popularity. Example songs are Mere mehboob na ja aaj ki raat na ja, Ajahun na aaye baalma, Dil ne fir yaad kiya barq si lahar aayi hai etc. In this book her famous songs are provided with easy sargam or notations. One can play these songs, w
Suman Kalyanpur is a very popular singer having sweet voice similar to Lata Mangeshkar. Her songs with Md. Rafi and with Mukesh are very melodious and superhit till now. Her solo songs have created a history of popularity. Example songs are Mere mehboob na ja aaj ki raat na ja, Ajahun na aaye baalma, Dil ne fir yaad kiya barq si lahar aayi hai etc. In this book her famous songs are provided with easy sargam or notations. One can play these songs, who has basic knowledge of music, and can get enjoyed. This is a book for collection.
Suman Kalyanpur is a very popular singer having sweet voice similar to Lata Mangeshkar. Her songs with Md. Rafi and with Mukesh are very melodious and superhit till now. Her solo songs have created a history of popularity. Example songs are Mere mehboob na ja aaj ki raat na ja, Ajahun na aaye baalma, Dil ne fir yaad kiya barq si lahar aayi hai etc. In this book her famous songs are provided with easy sargam or notations. One can play these songs, w
Suman Kalyanpur is a very popular singer having sweet voice similar to Lata Mangeshkar. Her songs with Md. Rafi and with Mukesh are very melodious and superhit till now. Her solo songs have created a history of popularity. Example songs are Mere mehboob na ja aaj ki raat na ja, Ajahun na aaye baalma, Dil ne fir yaad kiya barq si lahar aayi hai etc. In this book her famous songs are provided with easy sargam or notations. One can play these songs, who has basic knowledge of music, and can get enjoyed. This is a book for collection.
S. D. Burman was a great music composer. He composed hundreds of great immortal songs of different moods. His workplace was a factory of generating many music composers. Many assistants of his music work became music composers after learning from him. Some of his composed songs are collected in this book for music lovers and music students. A beginner can play these songs on the instrument with the help of this book. This is a collectible book.
S. D. Burman was a great music composer. He composed hundreds of great immortal songs of different moods. His workplace was a factory of generating many music composers. Many assistants of his music work became music composers after learning from him. Some of his composed songs are collected in this book for music lovers and music students. A beginner can play these songs on the instrument with the help of this book. This is a collectible book.
S. D. Burman was a great music composer. He composed hundreds of great immortal songs of different moods. His workplace was a factory of generating many music composers. Many assistants of his music work became music composers after learning from him. Some of his composed songs are collected in this book for music lovers and music students. A beginner can play these songs on the instrument with the help of this book. This is a collectible book.
S. D. Burman was a great music composer. He composed hundreds of great immortal songs of different moods. His workplace was a factory of generating many music composers. Many assistants of his music work became music composers after learning from him. Some of his composed songs are collected in this book for music lovers and music students. A beginner can play these songs on the instrument with the help of this book. This is a collectible book.
Music lovers are passionate about listening Gazals. People love Gazals and Gazal Singers. Programs of Gazal singing are always housefull. On the request of Gazals’ lovers, this book is prepared and is now available online for purchase. Gazals’ lovers can play and sing Gazals with the help of this book. In this book Gazals’ lyrics are in English and their notes are available. A beginner can easily play the Gazals with the help of this bo
Music lovers are passionate about listening Gazals. People love Gazals and Gazal Singers. Programs of Gazal singing are always housefull. On the request of Gazals’ lovers, this book is prepared and is now available online for purchase. Gazals’ lovers can play and sing Gazals with the help of this book. In this book Gazals’ lyrics are in English and their notes are available. A beginner can easily play the Gazals with the help of this book. This book is a must for a personal collection.
Music lovers are passionate about listening Gazals. People love Gazals and Gazal Singers. Programs of Gazal singing are always housefull. On the request of Gazals’ lovers, this book is prepared and is now available online for purchase. Gazals’ lovers can play and sing Gazals with the help of this book. In this book Gazals’ lyrics are in English and their notes are available. A beginner can easily play the Gazals with the help of this bo
Music lovers are passionate about listening Gazals. People love Gazals and Gazal Singers. Programs of Gazal singing are always housefull. On the request of Gazals’ lovers, this book is prepared and is now available online for purchase. Gazals’ lovers can play and sing Gazals with the help of this book. In this book Gazals’ lyrics are in English and their notes are available. A beginner can easily play the Gazals with the help of this book. This book is a must for a personal collection.
Singer Yesudas is having a Heavenly, Magical, Cristal clear, special voice that directly touches music lovers’ hearts. His songs are very much popular and feel pleasant nature around us. It feels peace in mind. His songs are evergreen and people listen to his songs every day. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play th
Singer Yesudas is having a Heavenly, Magical, Cristal clear, special voice that directly touches music lovers’ hearts. His songs are very much popular and feel pleasant nature around us. It feels peace in mind. His songs are evergreen and people listen to his songs every day. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and notes of 51 selected famous songs which include SD Burman sung songs and Yesudas songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. The book contains a chord and the Taal to follow. It is written beat by beat to give more knowledge to music students. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in reading the English Language. This is a collectible book.
Singer Yesudas is having a Heavenly, Magical, Cristal clear, special voice that directly touches music lovers’ hearts. His songs are very much popular and feel pleasant nature around us. It feels peace in mind. His songs are evergreen and people listen to his songs every day. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play th
Singer Yesudas is having a Heavenly, Magical, Cristal clear, special voice that directly touches music lovers’ hearts. His songs are very much popular and feel pleasant nature around us. It feels peace in mind. His songs are evergreen and people listen to his songs every day. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs which include SD Burman sung songs and Yesuda songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. The book contains a chord and the Taal to follow. It is written beat by beat to give more knowledge to music students. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in reading the English Language. This is a collectible book.
Manna Dey, a famous classical singer had sung classical, semi-classical songs, jolly songs and also some funny songs. His voice range was very high and the style was so different that nobody could reach up to his place. Some people try to sing his few classical songs but they are not able to sing all his songs. He has sung so many Bhajans. 51 famous songs are included in this book. Notes are provided in Western CDEF style with Rhythm and one chord to fol
Manna Dey, a famous classical singer had sung classical, semi-classical songs, jolly songs and also some funny songs. His voice range was very high and the style was so different that nobody could reach up to his place. Some people try to sing his few classical songs but they are not able to sing all his songs. He has sung so many Bhajans. 51 famous songs are included in this book. Notes are provided in Western CDEF style with Rhythm and one chord to follow. One who has some basic knowledge of music can play the songs on one’s instrument and can sing along and get enjoyed. This is a rare book. One must have this in one’s personal library.
Manna Dey was a famous classical singer. He had sung classical, semi classical songs, jolly songs and also some funny songs. His voice range was very high and the style was so different that nobody could reach up to his place. Some people try to sing his few classical songs but they are not able to sing all his songs. He has sung so many Bhajans. 51 famous songs are included in this book. Notes are provided in SRGM Indian style with taal and one chord to
Manna Dey was a famous classical singer. He had sung classical, semi classical songs, jolly songs and also some funny songs. His voice range was very high and the style was so different that nobody could reach up to his place. Some people try to sing his few classical songs but they are not able to sing all his songs. He has sung so many Bhajans. 51 famous songs are included in this book. Notes are provided in SRGM Indian style with taal and one chord to follow. One who has some basic knowledge of music can play the songs on one’s instrument and can sing along and get enjoyed. This is a rare book. One must have this in one’s personal library.
Magical singer Md. Rafi is alive in everybody’s heart. His buttery songs are evergreen and liked by the old and new generations. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple Notations, Rhythm, Chord to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected
Magical singer Md. Rafi is alive in everybody’s heart. His buttery songs are evergreen and liked by the old and new generations. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple Notations, Rhythm, Chord to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language and are learning Western Style Notes.
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the b
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. The book contains a chord and Taal to follow. It is written beat by beat to give more knowledge to music students. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language reading.
Kishore Kumar is the most favorite singer of the common people. His song's lyrics and its western notations are presented in this book in an easy method. One who knows the basics of music can play the songs on one’s instrument and can sing along. The taal of songs are also attached with the song and one chord is mentioned to follow. The scale is also mentioned. Play and enjoy the songs.
Kishore Kumar is the most favorite singer of the common people. His song's lyrics and its western notations are presented in this book in an easy method. One who knows the basics of music can play the songs on one’s instrument and can sing along. The taal of songs are also attached with the song and one chord is mentioned to follow. The scale is also mentioned. Play and enjoy the songs.
Kishore 51 Songs’ Sargam, Part-2 book contains very popular songs sung by the Legendary Singer Kishore Kumar. The book has Lyrics in English and Notations in SRGM with Tal attached and one chord to follow. Sa is also mentioned in each song. One who has a very basic knowledge of the music can play songs on one’s instrument and get joy. This book is helpful to those who are comfortable reading English.
Kishore 51 Songs’ Sargam, Part-2 book contains very popular songs sung by the Legendary Singer Kishore Kumar. The book has Lyrics in English and Notations in SRGM with Tal attached and one chord to follow. Sa is also mentioned in each song. One who has a very basic knowledge of the music can play songs on one’s instrument and get joy. This book is helpful to those who are comfortable reading English.
Popular songs of singer Mukesh are included in this book with lyrics and its notations in CDEFG. Taal of the song is also included with one chord to follow. Fans of Mukesh can play and sing songs with the help of this book on any instrument. Only basic knowledge of music is needed to play and enjoy the songs.
Popular songs of singer Mukesh are included in this book with lyrics and its notations in CDEFG. Taal of the song is also included with one chord to follow. Fans of Mukesh can play and sing songs with the help of this book on any instrument. Only basic knowledge of music is needed to play and enjoy the songs.
Mukesh’s popular songs are included in this book with lyrics and its notations in SRGMP. Taal of the song is also included with one chord to follow. Fans of Mukesh can play and sing songs with the help of this book on any instrument. Only basic knowledge of music is needed to play and enjoy the songs.
Mukesh’s popular songs are included in this book with lyrics and its notations in SRGMP. Taal of the song is also included with one chord to follow. Fans of Mukesh can play and sing songs with the help of this book on any instrument. Only basic knowledge of music is needed to play and enjoy the songs.
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a Harmonium, Synthesizer, Violin, Guitar etc. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of mus
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a Harmonium, Synthesizer, Violin, Guitar etc. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language and are learning Western Style Notes.
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the b
Md. Rafi, a famous Singer of India is ruling over the heart of music lovers worldwide. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. The book contains a chord and Taal to follow. It is written beat by beat to give more knowledge to music students. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language reading.
Md. Rafi, the most popular singer of India is worldwide famous. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play
Md. Rafi, the most popular singer of India is worldwide famous. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language reading.
Md. Rafi, the most popular singer of India is worldwide famous. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of mu
Md. Rafi, the most popular singer of India is worldwide famous. His songs are evergreen. People are listening to his songs continuously. Some people wish to play sweet songs on an instrument like a harmonium, Synthesizer, violin, etc. There is a need for notations. This book provides simple notations to play the songs. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its Notations in CDEF, of 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. It is beneficial to those who are comfortable in English Language and are learning Western Style Notes.
Md. Rafi is an evergreen singer. He was blessed with a sweet melodious voice. He sang thousands of melodious songs. Everyone is listening to the songs of him even today. He had ruled on the music world and recorded thousands of songs in his life. This book is a translation of Hindi's book ‘Md. Rafi ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to the persons who are comfortable reading English and know western notations. This book is written accor
Md. Rafi is an evergreen singer. He was blessed with a sweet melodious voice. He sang thousands of melodious songs. Everyone is listening to the songs of him even today. He had ruled on the music world and recorded thousands of songs in his life. This book is a translation of Hindi's book ‘Md. Rafi ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to the persons who are comfortable reading English and know western notations. This book is written according to Rhythms and speeds of the songs and prelude and interlude of songs and one chord are also provided in each song. A person having a basic knowledge of music can play songs on the instrument very easily with the help of this book and get enjoyed.
Kumar Shanu is called Lion of Singing. He has a great sweet melodious voice. He sang thousands of milestone songs. Everyone is mad about listening these songs of Kumar Shanu. He has ruled on the music world and recorded so many songs in 90’s. This book is translation of Hindi book ‘Kumar Shanu ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to the persons who are comfortable in reading English. This book is written according to Laya and
Kumar Shanu is called Lion of Singing. He has a great sweet melodious voice. He sang thousands of milestone songs. Everyone is mad about listening these songs of Kumar Shanu. He has ruled on the music world and recorded so many songs in 90’s. This book is translation of Hindi book ‘Kumar Shanu ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to the persons who are comfortable in reading English. This book is written according to Laya and Taal of the songs and one chord is also provided in each song. A person having basic knowledge of music can play songs on the instrument very easily with the help of this book and get enjoyed.
Kumar Shanu is called Lion of Singing. He has a great, sweet, melodious voice. He sang thousands of milestone songs. Everyone is mad about listening to these songs of Kumar Shanu. He has ruled on the music world and recorded so many songs in the 90’s. This book is a translation of Hindi book ‘Kumar Shanu ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to persons who are comfortable reading English. This book is written according to Laya and Ta
Kumar Shanu is called Lion of Singing. He has a great, sweet, melodious voice. He sang thousands of milestone songs. Everyone is mad about listening to these songs of Kumar Shanu. He has ruled on the music world and recorded so many songs in the 90’s. This book is a translation of Hindi book ‘Kumar Shanu ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. It will be beneficial to persons who are comfortable reading English. This book is written according to Laya and Taal of the songs and one chord is also provided in each song. A person having a basic knowledge of music can play songs on the instrument very easily with the help of this book and get enjoyed.
लता मंगेशकर के गीतों का कौन दीवाना नहीं है? हर व्यक्ति हर दिन लता जी के गीतों को ढूंढ ढूंढ कर सुनता है. उनके गीतों में जो मधुरता, सादगी, मिठास, शोखी, तरुणाई और स्वर गूढ़ता (स्वरों की गह
लता मंगेशकर के गीतों का कौन दीवाना नहीं है? हर व्यक्ति हर दिन लता जी के गीतों को ढूंढ ढूंढ कर सुनता है. उनके गीतों में जो मधुरता, सादगी, मिठास, शोखी, तरुणाई और स्वर गूढ़ता (स्वरों की गहराई और ऊँचाई) पायी जाती है वो अतुलनीय है. ‘लता के 51 गीतों की सरगम’ पुस्तक के पिछले संस्करण की अपार सफलता के बाद ये नया संस्करण प्रस्तुत है. जो अभी तक इस पुस्तक को नहीं खरीद पाए हैं वे अवश्य इसे खरीदकर आनंद पायेंगे. इसमें लय ताल के साथ स्वरलिपि प्रस्तुत की गयी है. गीत के साथ बजाई जाने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
मो. रफ़ी के चाहने वाले, उनकी आवाज़ के दीवाने पूरी दुनिया में मौजूद हैं. रफ़ी साहब की आवाज़ का ऐसा जादू है कि आज भी युवा बुज़ुर्ग सभी उनके गाये गीत चुन चुन कर सुनते हैं और गाते हैं और आनंद व
मो. रफ़ी के चाहने वाले, उनकी आवाज़ के दीवाने पूरी दुनिया में मौजूद हैं. रफ़ी साहब की आवाज़ का ऐसा जादू है कि आज भी युवा बुज़ुर्ग सभी उनके गाये गीत चुन चुन कर सुनते हैं और गाते हैं और आनंद विभोर हो जाते हैं. ऐसे गीत प्रेमियों के लिए ये पुस्तक वरदान साबित होगी. इसमें रफ़ी साहब के गाये 151 गीत दिए गए हैं. जिसकी मदद से आप जब चाहे गीत गाकर आनंद पा सकते हैं.
ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों का ग़ज़लें सुनने का जूनून सर्वोपरि है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रति उनका प्यार और उनका लगाव अतुलनीय है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रोग्राम खचाखच भरे देखे गए हैं. ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों के आग्रह प
ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों का ग़ज़लें सुनने का जूनून सर्वोपरि है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रति उनका प्यार और उनका लगाव अतुलनीय है. ग़ज़ल गायकों के प्रोग्राम खचाखच भरे देखे गए हैं. ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों के आग्रह पर “सुपरहिट 51 ग़ज़लों की सरगम” पुस्तक प्रकाशित की गयी है. इससे ग़ज़ल प्रेमियों को घर बैठे ग़ज़लें गाने बजाने में सुविधा होगी. इस पुस्तक में जगजीत सिंह, चित्रा सिंह, बेग़म अख्तर, चन्दन दास, मेहँदी हसन और गुलाम अली की प्रमुख ग़ज़लों के अतिरिक्त अन्य मशहूर ग़ज़ल गायकों की ग़ज़लें शामिल हैं. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन ग़ज़लों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
सुप्रसिद्ध गायक मुकेश के दर्द भरे 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग -1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. मुकेश के गाये हुए सुपर हिट गीतों के स्वर और उनकी स्वरल
सुप्रसिद्ध गायक मुकेश के दर्द भरे 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग -1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. मुकेश के गाये हुए सुपर हिट गीतों के स्वर और उनकी स्वरलिपि हिंदी में इस पुस्तक में लय ताल के साथ लिखकर प्रस्तुत की गयी है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया गया है. गीत के साथ बजने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
जन जन के हृदय में बसे मशहूर गायक कुमार शानू के गाये 51 गीतों के स्वर और उनकी ताल सहित आसान स्वरलिपि इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया ग
जन जन के हृदय में बसे मशहूर गायक कुमार शानू के गाये 51 गीतों के स्वर और उनकी ताल सहित आसान स्वरलिपि इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया गया है. गीत के साथ बजने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
Asha Bhonsle is a versatile singer. She sang so many famous songs which people like and sing regularly. This book contains 51 famous song’s Lyrics and its notations in Western notes CDEF. A person who has some basic knowledge of music can play and enjoy the melody of songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. This book is the translation of Hindi book ‘Asha ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. The book is beneficial to those who are comfortable in read
Asha Bhonsle is a versatile singer. She sang so many famous songs which people like and sing regularly. This book contains 51 famous song’s Lyrics and its notations in Western notes CDEF. A person who has some basic knowledge of music can play and enjoy the melody of songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. This book is the translation of Hindi book ‘Asha ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam’. The book is beneficial to those who are comfortable in reading English and know Western Notes CDEFG.
There are so many famous songs of Legendary Singer Asha Bhonsle that people like to play on an instrument and sing. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of her 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. This book is the translation in English of Asha's Hindi book. It is beneficial to those who do not know Hindi Language and comfortable in Englis
There are so many famous songs of Legendary Singer Asha Bhonsle that people like to play on an instrument and sing. The book contains Song Lyrics in English and its SARGAM of her 51 selected famous songs. A person who has knowledge of the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book. This book is the translation in English of Asha's Hindi book. It is beneficial to those who do not know Hindi Language and comfortable in English reading.
सुप्रसिद्ध संगीतकार सचिनदेव बर्मन के संगीतबद्ध 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग-1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. बर्मन दा के संगीतबद्ध सुपरहिट गीतों के
सुप्रसिद्ध संगीतकार सचिनदेव बर्मन के संगीतबद्ध 51 गीतों की सरगम, भाग-1 का संग्रह करने योग्य अनोखा गुलदस्ता इस पुस्तक के रूप में प्रस्तुत है. बर्मन दा के संगीतबद्ध सुपरहिट गीतों के स्वर और उनकी स्वरलिपि हिंदी में इस पुस्तक में लय ताल के साथ लिखकर प्रस्तुत की गयी हैं. इसमें गीतों का प्रील्यूड और इंटरलूड भी यथा संभव दिया गया है. गीत के साथ बजाई जा सकने वाली एक कोर्ड का उल्लेख भी किया गया है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति आसानी से इन गीतों को अपने वाद्य पर बजा सकता है और उनका आनंद ले सकता है.
मन को सुकून और आनंद पंहुचाने वाले मुकेश के 51 सुपरहिट गीतों की लिरिक्स और उनकी सरगम इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. लय, ताल और एक कोर्ड की जानकारी उपलब्ध होने से पुस्तक अत्यंत रोचक, ज्ञा
मन को सुकून और आनंद पंहुचाने वाले मुकेश के 51 सुपरहिट गीतों की लिरिक्स और उनकी सरगम इस पुस्तक में प्रस्तुत है. लय, ताल और एक कोर्ड की जानकारी उपलब्ध होने से पुस्तक अत्यंत रोचक, ज्ञानवर्धक और संग्रह योग्य है. संगीत की प्रारंभिक जानकारी रखने वाले आसानी से गीत गा बजा सकते हैं.
The book contains Kishore Kumar's Songs Lyrics in English and its Western notations in CDEF Style. The rhythm of every song is also mentioned with the key-chord. One can play the songs on any instrument who have some basic knowledge of music.
The book contains Kishore Kumar's Songs Lyrics in English and its Western notations in CDEF Style. The rhythm of every song is also mentioned with the key-chord. One can play the songs on any instrument who have some basic knowledge of music.
Kishore Kumar's 51 Songs lyrics in English and its SARGAM in an easy way is provided. One who has basic knowledge of music can sing and play songs on any instrument for one's joy. Sargam is written as per Taal beats and one chord is also provided to follow.
Kishore Kumar's 51 Songs lyrics in English and its SARGAM in an easy way is provided. One who has basic knowledge of music can sing and play songs on any instrument for one's joy. Sargam is written as per Taal beats and one chord is also provided to follow.
Lata Mangeshkar's selected songs Lyrics and its Western notes are provided in this book with Taal and one chord. The book is the translation in English of Hindi book Lata ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam book. One who has basic knowledge of music can play songs on any instrument with the help of this book.
Lata Mangeshkar's selected songs Lyrics and its Western notes are provided in this book with Taal and one chord. The book is the translation in English of Hindi book Lata ke 51 Geeton ki Sargam book. One who has basic knowledge of music can play songs on any instrument with the help of this book.
There are so many famous songs of Legendary Singer Lata Mangeshkar that people like to play on an instrument and sing. The book contains Song Lyrics and its SARGAM of her 51 selected songs in English/Hinglish SRGMP style. A person who knows the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book.
There are so many famous songs of Legendary Singer Lata Mangeshkar that people like to play on an instrument and sing. The book contains Song Lyrics and its SARGAM of her 51 selected songs in English/Hinglish SRGMP style. A person who knows the basics of music can play songs on any instrument easily with the help of this book.
Music makes way to meet God. So people are eager to learn music and play instruments by themselves. This book is helpful who want to learn singer Mukesh's Songs at home. It is so simple one who has basic knowledge of SRGM can play songs easily. This book contains Lyrics in the English Language and Swarlipi in Hinglish SRGMP style. Different mood 51 songs of singer Mukesh are included in this book. Play and enjoy these lovely songs.
Music makes way to meet God. So people are eager to learn music and play instruments by themselves. This book is helpful who want to learn singer Mukesh's Songs at home. It is so simple one who has basic knowledge of SRGM can play songs easily. This book contains Lyrics in the English Language and Swarlipi in Hinglish SRGMP style. Different mood 51 songs of singer Mukesh are included in this book. Play and enjoy these lovely songs.
Music makes Happy and Joyful. Singer Mukesh's famous songs' lyrics and its Western Notations are provided in this book for self-learning. It is so simple that one who has basic knowledge of music can play songs easily. This book is in the English Language.
Music makes Happy and Joyful. Singer Mukesh's famous songs' lyrics and its Western Notations are provided in this book for self-learning. It is so simple that one who has basic knowledge of music can play songs easily. This book is in the English Language.
Music is the medium to meet the God. Everyone wants to sing and play songs. This book contains
Md. Rafi’s song Lyrics and its Sargam or Swarlipi in English language and SRGM style. It is having 51 famous songs sung by singer Md. Rafi. It contains Hindi film songs, sad songs and happy songs, bhajan, gazal etc. Different moods of Md. Rafi are collected in this book. Anybody having basic sargam knowledge can play songs easily following the book notes. Son
Music is the medium to meet the God. Everyone wants to sing and play songs. This book contains
Md. Rafi’s song Lyrics and its Sargam or Swarlipi in English language and SRGM style. It is having 51 famous songs sung by singer Md. Rafi. It contains Hindi film songs, sad songs and happy songs, bhajan, gazal etc. Different moods of Md. Rafi are collected in this book. Anybody having basic sargam knowledge can play songs easily following the book notes. Songs based on different Taals like - Kaharwa, Daadra, Rupak, Jhaptaal are included in this book. Have the book and enjoy priceless heavenly happiness and joy.
भीगे वस्त्र चांदनी में हैं, नवयुवती कोई परी हो तुम | यौवन रूप छटा बिखराए देख के मेरे होश हैं गुम || केश घने आँखें मदमात Read More...
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