Kalpana Narain

Kalpana Narain is an accomplished professional with over 30 years of experience in the corporate sector.  She has worked extensively in the area of leadership development and has authored various publications, manuals and text books on Organisation Transformation.  Apart from her paper being published in an international journals, her white papers, research reports and editorial columns are also regularly published. Mitti Se Mitti Tak- Jeevan Ek Safar is Kalpana’s first publication of Hindi Poems.  Read More...


मिट्टी से मिट्टी तक

Books by कल्पना नारायन

कल्पना नारायन “राही” ने अपनी हर रचना को हृदयं को छू जाने वाले शब्दों से संजोया है।मिट्टी से मिट्टी तक - जीवन एक सफ़र में उनकी हर प्रस्तुति पाठकों को अपने जीवन के किसी ना किसी अनुभ

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