Arvind kumar

Arvind Kumar, autistic and speech impaired, defied societal apathy by schooling himself by unconventional means and communicating his learnings via a computer keyboard from a young age of 5. He displayed remarkable language skills very early, expressed through his diverse writings. He is currently being schooled at Gurukulam, an institution for the specially-abled. He can be reached at More...


இருளில் ஒளி

Books by அரவிந்த் குமார்

ஆட்டிஸ நிலையாளரான அரவிந்த் குமாரால் பேச முடியாது.  ஆனாலும் பலதரப்பட்ட பார்வையாளர்களின் கேள்வி பதிலுக்கு கம்ப்யூட்டரில் டைப் செய்து பதில் அளிப்பதன் மூலம் அனைவரிடமும் தொ�

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Book of Hope

Books by Arvind Kumar

The author, Arvind Kumar owing to severe speech impairment caused by Autism, wanted to communicate with a diverse audience. The mode of communication with his audience was through a Question and Answer format. The audience would put him a question, which he would then attempt to answer. His answers range from the deeply philosophical, to the humourous, and sometimes, also with a childlike candour saying "I do not know". The renowned guest speakers who spoke at

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