Aaradhana Singh Deb

Aaradhana Singh Deb, a voracious reader with a penchant for writing, is here with her first novel, Deceived. The daughter of an Air Force Officer, she lived her entire life travelling across various parts of India, where her father had been posted. Having travelled so much, she made friends along the way, but she found permanent friends in the form of books. As a child, she’d get lost in the stories, entering different worlds and living many lives! It wasn’t long after the magic of books had entranced her completely, that she too started penning down her thoughts and expressing herself thrRead More...



Books by Aaradhana Singh Deb

The man in the bushes came out of hiding, lifted the woman like a rag doll, cradled her in his arms, walked up to his car and dumped her in the boot, which was still open. He did not bother to check whether she was dead or alive. He then removed his blood-stained gloves, threw them over the body of the unconscious woman and closed the boot. It was chilling to see the precision with which he had done everything. From his brisk actions, it seemed as if hiding bo

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