Ajit Nair

Ajit Nair is a qualified Chartered Accountant based in Mumbai, who, having worked in various functions in reputed companies like Warner-Lambert, Chiron Panacea Vaccines and MSD (Intervet) Animal Healthcare, is currently working with Cello Writing Instruments (Bic Societe). During his service in Industry, the craving to work closely with people and help them get established in their personal and professional lives grew within him. This has led him to work closely with the needs of a child, and to associate with the following establishments. a. Chiron Panacea Vaccines: Protecting a child from drRead More...


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Books by Ajit Nair

A set of short stories with an all-time appeal, which are sure to be a favourite bed-time read for children and their parents...

The reader has the choice of inspiring tales of great lives, stories with powerful learning points, and a quick look at mythological tales.

Rendered in an easy narrative style, the stories are a sure way of instilling sound values in the impressionable minds of young children, who are very open to suggestion, and understa

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