Alok Singh

Alok is an amazing person with a heart full of beautiful words and colors. He puts words to your feelings such that when you read them, you would say, “That’s exactly what I feel!” He has the knack of seeing the unusual in the most usual things and brings life to it via his imagination.   He loves to capture life; the life he sees in the eyes and the smiles of simple people in front of him. He captures that spark and makes it eternal with his words.Read More...


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Ibtida is a collection of poems that touches every color of life and issues that people encounter during their lifespan.

The most interesting part about these poems is that most of them were written during the to and fro one-hour travels of the author between his workplace and home.

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By Alok Singh in Humour | Reads: 6,949 | Likes: 1

बांकेलाल आपने पचास साठ के दशक की फिल्में तो देखी हीं होंगी, इन फिल्मो की पृष्ठभूमि अक्सर एक निम्न मध्यम वर्गीय परि  Read More...

Published on Jul 8,2022 11:27 AM

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