Anagha joglekar


Anagha is a qualified electronics engineer who quit her unfulfilling job to become a happy author. This is her debut book. She is passionate about history, mythology and philosophy. She has focused on the warfare and bravery of the celebrated Peshwa Bajirao of the Maratha Empire, who was a rare combination of both intellect and bravery. In her eyes, this is just an effort to give him his deserving place in Indian history.  Anagha lives in Gurgaon with her husband, Prasad and son, Shashwat.Read More...


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Bajirao Ballal

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A nineteen-year-old man held the ashes of his dead father at the royal court of Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj at Satara, on 27 April, 1720. He was appointed the Prime Minister of the Maratha Empire on the very same day. This young man was none other than Bajirao Ballal Bhat.

He was the most fearsome warrior against Mughals, Portuguese and other invaders of India. Though people remember him from the story of Bajirao-Mastani, Bajirao Ballal is about the innum

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Books by अनघा जोगलेकर

महाभारत का युद्ध समाप्त हुए कई दशक बीत चुके हैं। अश्वत्थामा श्री कृष्ण द्वारा दिये गए ‘यातना के अमरत्व’ का श्राप वहन करते हुए वन-वन भटक रहा है। ऐसे में उसका आमना-सामना ‘शारन

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Bajirao Ballal

Books by

A nineteen-year-old man held the ashes of his dead father at the royal court of Chatrapati Shahuji Maharaj at Satara, on 27 April, 1720. He was appointed the Prime Minister of the Maratha Empire on the very same day. This young man was none other than Bajirao Ballal Bhat.

He was the most fearsome warrior against Mughals, Portuguese and other invaders of India. Though people remember him from the story of Bajirao-Mastani, Bajirao Ballal is about the innum

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झरने सा प्रेम

By Anagha joglekar in Romance | Reads: 6,994 | Likes: 8

"ये झरना नहीं... पहाड़ों का दर्द है जो आँसू बनकर बह रहा है..." उसकी आवाज़ पहाड़ों से टकराकर गूंज रही थी। वह आवाज़ सुनकर मुझे य  Read More...

Published on Jun 21,2022 05:22 PM

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